The Test Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4

The Test Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4


The Test Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4

A fur trapper catches another trapper trying to steal his furs. He stops the thief, but later on the furs are stolen anyway. Rin Tin Tin Jr. tracks down the thief to try to get the furs back.
Rinnie is asked to guard the furs of his master, fur trapper Brule Conway. When Rinnie is lured away by another female dog, Conway's winter furs are stolen by Black Wolf, a henchman for the French-Canadian trapper Pepite La Joie. After a series of adventures, Rinnie masterfully captures the evil doers and returns with the furs, winning the hearts of all.
Rin Tin Tin Jr. is one savvy wolf hound, capturing the bad guys and tracking down others. It&#39;s all way up north where fur trappers try to capture those stealing their catch. Grant Withers is the handsome hero who at least prevents his captured critters from suffering by putting a fast acting poison on the teeth of the traps so the animals don&#39;t suffer. I can hear animal rights activists getting upset by the thought of this happening even more than 80 years ago, but in the wild snowy north, human beings needed animal furs to survive, so this wasn&#39;t about trapping fur for profit in Withers&#39; case but to do mankind a service.<br/><br/>The villains are obviously not as concerned about a quick death for the animals, and the main villain would certainly like to see Rin Jr. suffer for aggressive tracking him. This villain (Monte Blue) is practically driven mad by Rin&#39;s determination, and he is the type of scoundrel that movie goers used to like to hiss. At just under an hour, &quot;The Test&quot; is a definite crowd-pleaser of its time, dated only today by the unfortunate laws of political correctness that would seemingly like to see films like this destroyed. But this is the type of film where the hero gets both the girl and his best friend, the villains get what&#39;s coming to them, and the faithful dog proves that he is the biggest hero of them all.
In an impartial assessment of this picture I would consider it as a below average low-budget actioner, and probably give it about four stars out of ten. It features flaccid direction and poor acting - Grant Withers demonstrates his usual lack of charisma as the hero, and Monte Blue overacts as the villain. Although the locations are scenic and photographed adequately, any virtue in this was probably lost on me due to the poor quality of the print I viewed.<br/><br/>However, knowing that this film was made before regulations regarding the treatment of animals were incorporated into the production code, it is impossible for me to be impartial about it. Now I don&#39;t know how this picture was made, and it is possible that the depictions of animal cruelty it contains were a carefully orchestrated illusion, but in the knowledge of what went on at the time in the absence of production code regulations, and the fact that we are looking at a low-budget feature from a company I never heard of, I cannot view this film without great unease. In any event, these scenes are very unpleasant and I rate this film accordingly.


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