The Streets Of San Francisco Download

The Streets Of San Francisco Download


The Streets Of San Francisco Download

A pair of plainclothes homicide detectives, Lieutenant Mike Stone and Inspector Steve Keller, cruise the streets of San Francisco, California solving a variety of crimes, usually involving murder. Stone is the street-smart twenty-year veteran cop, and Keller is the college-educated rookie. Much of the series' success was due to the friendly by-play and relationship between the two leads.
A veteran cop with more than twenty years of experience is teamed with a young Inspector to solve crimes in San Francisco, California.
It was not only that Karl Malden and Michael Douglas had good chemistry for four out of five seasons, they did. But it was a friendly generational rivalry in looks and style.<br/><br/>Back in the 40s and 50s on the big screen and small detectives all looked like Karl Malden with the button down shirts and the obligatory fedora. But in 1972 when The Streets Of San Francisco made its debut Malden was dinosaur from another era. So without one big of dialog set you had a generation gap the second Michael Douglas in a hip outfit for the Seventies or as hip as a police force allows you to be. <br/><br/>But there was no conflict, an occasional disagreement as the older cop taught the younger one. But it wasn&#39;t that Malden was always right. Occasionally Douglas taught Malden a thing or two about reaching the younger generation when it was necessary to solve a case.<br/><br/>Douglas left the show in 1976 and Richard Hatch became Malden&#39;s new partner. But they never quite got it together as a team the way Malden did with Douglas.<br/><br/>I liked the show, I liked the stories. But most of all Malden and Douglas were a joy to watch.
I remember occasionally watching this show with my parents back in the day. I lived in San Jose at the time, and we loved going on day trips to San Francisco. I often still was nostalgic about the Bay Area, and when I&#39;ve caught this show in reruns over the years, and the San Francisco scenery brings back memories. Just being in The City has always been a high for me. It may be stressful living there, but visiting is at once exciting and relaxing.<br/><br/>I remember bits and pieces from the show&#39;s first-run days. I believe it was the episode &quot;Letters From (Beyond?) The Grave,&quot; which began with a skeleton being dug up at Alcatraz. My sister was like, &quot;Oh, my god.&quot; I believe it was another episode of the same series when the cops confronted a woman who took off all her makeup and turned out to be ugly. &quot;She&#39;s gross!&quot; my sister said. The woman started yelling at the mirror, &quot;I killed you!&quot; I think it was when I caught some reruns in the &#39;80s that a suspect smiled and said he was at a local porno house a the time the cops said there was a crime they were investigating. They found out otherwise and just laughed at the suspect LOL.<br/><br/>Last Sunday I caught an episode on MeTV that was a not-bad morality tale involving a murder suspect, his employer, and the employer&#39;s son, who didn&#39;t get to spend much time with his dad. There was a lot of love among them, and the cops justly investigated. Kind of touching how all of the above characters went to bat for him.<br/><br/>I&#39;ll be watching some more reruns, including the pilot movie, be it on You Tube or MeTV. The chemistry between Michael Douglas and veteran actor Karl Malden was a fond memory of &#39;70s TV.<br/><br/>Look for a guest appearance by a pre-Miami Vice Don Johnson as the title character of the episode &quot;Hot Dog.&quot;


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