The RoboCop 2 Full Movie Download In Hindi

The RoboCop 2 Full Movie Download In Hindi


The RoboCop 2 Full Movie Download In Hindi

Once again Detroit is ridden by a gang of drug dealers, and Robocop is the only one who can do something about it. When Cain, the chief of the gang, is killed during his confrontation with Robocop, OCP (the company that runs the police) transforms him into Robocop 2, a new android much stronger than the first. Now Murphy has to face him again, because Cain didn't forget who he was.
With Omni Consumer Products (OCP) on the verge of finally owning Detroit, its attempts to duplicate the Robocop process fail (with homicidal and suicidal results). Dr. Faxx, newly appointed head of the Robocop project, believes in using dead drug addicts rather than dead cops for their next cyborg and screens for the right subject. Meanwhile, Nuke, the most addictive illegal drug ever to hit the streets, proliferates thanks to the delusionally messianic Cain and his ruthless followers. Run-ins between Robocop/Murphy and Cain leave Murphy dismantled and Cain dead. Whereas Faxx takes the opportunity to undermine Murphy's programming by instilling a plethora of politically correct directives, she finally gets her candidate for Robocop 2 and creates a superior cyborg that's homicidally hard-up for a fix.
It's fair to say that I hate "RoboCop 2." It's a nasty, horrible and mean- spirited mess of a film that lacks a clear narrative and an interesting story. The acting is woeful, the musical score is disastrous and the script is nonsensical and witless. Peter Weller is completely lost and confused as the character he played in the first movie is so badly characterized that you'd think that this was a different RoboCop to the one we saw in the first movie. Even the brilliant Lewis character is nothing like she was in the original film. The direction lacks flair, style and identity; sometimes it feels like a TV movie that Channel FIVE show on weekday afternoons. Avoid RoboCop 2 like the plague. I can't believe that they thought this would be an acceptable way to follow up such a great film like RoboCop. 2/10
Irvin Kirschner manages to suck all of the life out of this one. Peter Weller is wasted in this one, given no chance to portray the subtleties of the lead character. Instead, we're left with even more violence than the first movie, without the parody/social elements. The "programming by committee" subplot is cute, but like any subplot in this movie, is dropped, overlooked, and generally rushed through. A major disappointment.
A sly, self-mocking sense of humor is apparent even in Robocop 2's title, which identifies both the film's sequel status and its hero. And what a fantastic nightmare creation Robocop 2 is.
Always interested in looking to the future and making a buck, Omni Consumer Products (OPC) hopes to make more RoboCops like Murphy (<a href="/name/nm0000693/">Peter Weller</a>), but each of their prototypes end up committing suicide. When psychologist Juliette Faxx (<a href="/name/nm0000873/">Belinda Bauer</a>) comes up with a new idea—using psychopathic, drug-addicted, drug kingpin Cain (<a href="/name/nm0006888/">Tom Noonan</a>) on grounds that he will welcome the power and the immortality—a new, larger and stronger cyborg, branded as &quot;RoboCop Two&quot;, is born. Unfortunately, Cain&#39;s main focus is on getting more of a new street narcotic known as &quot;Nuke&quot;. RoboCop 2 is the second movie in the RoboCop series, preceded by <a href="/title/tt0093870/">RoboCop (1987)</a> (1987) and followed by <a href="/title/tt0107978/">RoboCop 3 (1993)</a> (1993) and two TV series: <a href="/title/tt0108909/">RoboCop (1994)</a> (1994-1995] and <a href="/title/tt0220008/">RoboCop: Prime Directives (2001)</a> (2000). The series is being rebooted with <a href="/title/tt1234721/">RoboCop (2014)</a> (2014). The screenplay for RoboCop 2 was written by American comics writer/artist Frank Miller and screenwriter Walon Green, based on characters created by American screenwriters Edward Neumeier and Michael Miner for Robocop. RoboCop 2 was subsequently novelized by American science fiction writer Ed Naha as well as turned into a nine-part comic book series called Frank Miller&#39;s RoboCop (2007) by Frank Miller and Juan Jose. His weapons were already switched off for safety reasons. If you look carefully at the remote it has multiple dozens of buttons, so there was possibly a switch to deactivate him. Faxx was trying to bring Cain under control rather than power him down, and she didn&#39;t have a chance to hit the proper button when RoboCop entered the theatre and distracted her. Alternately, Faxx may have been telling the truth when she said that RoboCop 2 (Cain) couldn&#39;t be deactivated. Depending upon how his robotic body was designed, the system that allowed him mobility might not be separate from the life support systems. To be fair, it isn&#39;t clear at all that any &quot;robocop&quot; product of OCP can be summarily deactivated. Such a feature had never been used against RoboCop (such as when he became a target in the original film), giving credence to the idea that the feature may not exist in him, and RoboCop 2 may have been designed in roughly the same way. Both of them are designed to have a certain amount of autonomy and free will. The entire formula isn&#39;t revealed in the movie. However, midway through the film, Cain checks with his chemist, Frank (a cameo by screenwriter and comic-book author Frank Miller), and tries out a new variation of Nuke called Blue Velvet. When he injects it, he waits for it to take effect and mentions two of its ingredients: benzadrine and scopolamine. It&#39;s probably reasonable to believe that both drugs were in the formula for the original Nuke. The Old Man says near the end of the movie that the current events take place about one year after the events corresponding to the first movie. However, the actual year is never specified, which was also a story trick used by the producers and writers of the first movie. The temporal setting is ambiguous enough that the first movie may rationally be set anywhere from 1987 to 2087 or beyond, simply with the theme of being futuristic. However, the widespread adoptions of things in reality like digitization, smartphones, wireless access, flat displays and cloud computing, combined with the obsolescence of CRTs and mainframes, makes these movies feel more like they are set in the 1990s than in any part of the 21st century; and the same applies to just about any futuristic picture. While the Old Man (<a href="/name/nm0641397/">Dan O&#39;Herlihy</a>) is holding a press conference in the OCP Civic Centrum to unveil his plans for Delta City, he introduces Cain as the new RoboCop 2 who will help to rid the city of Nuke. In doing so, he shows the press a canister of Nuke, causing Cain to become anxious and ultimately go berserk as he tries to get his hands on it. He grabs the remote that controls his weapons from out of Faxx&#39;s hands and open fires on the crowd. Murphy enters the auditorium, and a fierce battle erupts as they chase each other all over the building, eventually falling off the roof and onto the streets where a firefight between police/SWAT and Cain ensues. When it looks like Cain is unstoppable, Murphy decides to try a new tactic. Murphy&#39;s partner, Anne Lewis (<a href="/name/nm0000262/">Nancy Allen</a>), retrieves the canister of Nuke and offers it to Cain. Cain stops his attack long enough to intake the Nuke while Murphy sneaks around behind him, leaps onto Cain from behind, and rips out his brain and spinal cord, smashing it to bits. Shortly later, the Old Man discusses the ramifications of Cain&#39;s tirade with Johnson (<a href="/name/nm0675066/">Felton Perry</a>) and Holzgang (<a href="/name/nm0565159/">Jeff McCarthy</a>), and they decide that blame (particularly criminal liability) for the incident will fall on Faxx. In the final scene, as the Old Man and Faxx drive away in their limousine, Lewis bemoans the fact that he&#39;s getting away with it. &quot;Patience, Lewis,&quot; says Murphy, &quot;We&#39;re only human.&quot; Faxx had been competing with Johnson throughout the whole movie, and she is smug because her relationship with the Old Man leads her to believe that she won&#39;t be held in any way responsible for RoboCop 2 killing or injuring dozens of innocent people, OCP guards and SWAT officers. She doesn&#39;t know that the Old Man has just given Johnson and Holzgang the go-ahead to find a way to pin the blame on her. The UK VHS version was slightly censored, missing out approximately 32 seconds across 9 scenes. All cuts were waived for the DVD release. a5c7b9f00b

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