The Reunited

The Reunited


The Reunited

Steven brings everyone together for a special reunion.
This episode special pretty much has everything you could ask for in a &quot;Finale&quot; based episode. <br/><br/>An amazing opening song, great humor, a milestone in romance, the return of long lost friends, awesome lines, great action, great team ups, a lot of emotion, a peaceful resolution and ALL without making the overall product feel rushed. <br/><br/>Granted if I were to say if there actually WAS anything rushed in it, it&#39;d have to be how the Cluster handled controlling its form so easily but that&#39;s just picking at the bottom of the barrel for me. <br/><br/>If it weren&#39;t for the fact that it ended on a cliffhanger, have plot points that still need to be addressed, AND having two more episodes left in the season as well as a new season on the way, I would perfectly accept this as the series finale. It&#39;s THAT good. <br/><br/>But there&#39;s still more that our heroes have to take care of, and I&#39;ll gladly anticipate how they&#39;ll patch these up.
This is everything that this show has been waiting for. It starts off very light hearted; Ruby and Sapphire&#39;s wedding is a very long awaited thing that was extremely enjoyable. While Steven&#39;s song was bittersweet, it still made me smile. The entrance from Blue and Yellow Diamond was PERFECT. While we all knew they were arriving from the promos, the way they did so by using Blue&#39;s forced empathetic ability was brilliant. Not only that, we got to see the individual fighting stances of each gem, including the Diamonds. Lapis&#39; entrance was PERFECT, and I admit I gasped when Peridot got poofed and even more when Yellow attacked Steven. <br/><br/>Just...this episode went above and beyond. You could tell the creators went all out with this one. It&#39;s a must-see.


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