The Passion Of The Christa Full Movie Hd 1080p Download

The Passion Of The Christa Full Movie Hd 1080p Download


The Passion Of The Christa Full Movie Hd 1080p Download

The Passion of the Christa is an experimental short film, directed and produced by Ramón Martínez, which studies the figure of Jesus represented as woman, that express esthetical and expressive arts within the five parts of the film: 1 Crown of thorns. 2 Carrying the cross. 3 Crucifixion. 4 Suffering on the cross. 5 Death on the cross. This movie is a part of the Art Project named "Passion of a Goddess".
I really liked the movie. The acting of the actress is very convincing and realistic. I was especially impressed by the crucifixion scene which have good special effects. It is a very special short film, not only because the content and the theme are singulars, but also for the way it has been made. <br/><br/>Although the film is not a Hollywood production, equipped with great means, I think that this movie is excellent, because with very limited resources this team have achieved an outstanding representation of the passion of Christ with an exceptional and aesthetic image quality.I recommend this film as an interesting visual experience. The movie contains graphic violence, and for this reason I do not recommend it to sensitive people, but this film is not so cruel and bloody as the Gibson movie. Not suitable for minors.


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