The One Punch Man

The One Punch Man


The One Punch Man

Saitama, the protagonist, is an exceptionally powerful hero who easily defeats the monsters or other villains with a single punch. However, due to his overwhelming strength, Saitama has become bored with his powers and is constantly trying to find stronger opponents who can fight him.
The story of Saitama, a hero that does it just for fun & can defeat his enemies with a single punch.
Spoilers<br/><br/>Reading some of the reviews, a lot of critics seem to bring up that the show doesn&#39;t have character development, or that one punch man has no competition. These reviewers watch the show without considering what this anime is. <br/><br/>It started out as a humorous web comic and turned into an action/comedy anime series with the best animation I&#39;ve seen in recent years. Period. From both Japan and America aside from Studio Ghibli.<br/><br/>Now I stress again; it&#39;s a comedy. Comedies may not be for everyone, but again, IT&#39;S A COMEDY/action anime. Do you watch Kevin Hart for the story? Do you watch Gabriel Iglacias for the story? Do you watch Saturday Night Live for the story?<br/><br/>Absolutely not. <br/><br/>We were gifted this eye candy and you want to complain about the &#39;story&#39; of a bald man who did one hundred push-ups/sit-ups and ran 5 miles a day for two years and, just with that workout, got strong enough to punch a hole though a f***ing asteroid? Are you serious? <br/><br/>I mean, a man turned into a giant crab-man because he ate too much crab, and some kid drew nipples on him while he was sleeping causing the crab-man to go on a mass-murdering rampage. Don&#39;t judge a comedy/visual masterpiece as if it were Sherlock Holmes or some other serious story based show, a**holes.
In start i use to laugh at the jokes of Naruto and bleach, one piece but as time passed Naruto ended bleach took strange turns in story and one piece keeps on going at the point that it didn&#39;t make me laugh anymore <br/><br/>i always use to look for another anime and one day i encounter one punch man the more i watch one episode more i wanted to see another episode every day i wait impatiently to wait for another episode i acknowledge this anime made me laugh more then any other anime did and i am so sad that it is ending after 12 episode <br/><br/>i hope mad house studio acknowledge this demand and continue the anime :)


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