The Methodist Preachers Kids. In the good old days

The Methodist Preachers Kids. In the good old days

👓 Doctor John
The Methodist Preachers Kids. In the good old days

The Methodist Preachers Kids. In the good old days

✅ Seven children were born to a poor Methodist Preachers wife. Doctor John was born in 1931, two years after the stock market crash of 1929. Some people were jumping out of windows and off bridges to end their lives because of the loss of money and sudden debt. The first preachers kid, to be born was Mary Elsie, followed every one to three years by Bobby, the author (Johnny), Carolyn, Lex, Peggy Ann and Virginia. They had very little so the depression meant little to them. The story is based on the actual lives of these preachers kids as they grew up in small towns in southern Alabama and northwest Florida. Gods entire world, as they knew it, was their playpen and proving grounds. All the adults in the neighborhood were their guardians. They protected them the few times that they knew they needed it and scolded them when they thought they should. Never do I remember parents getting into arguments because of their children. As you read you will join the author and Bobby who were almost inseparable except when they were in the schoolroom. They didnt have Indian Joe, as Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn did, but they faced their own dangers at times. Their guardian angel must have been with them as they spent most of their growing years in the woods, on the creek bank or on the rivers. Little did they realize the dangers they faced as they camped on the creek banks, rowed boats on the rivers, explored caves, climbed trees and waded snake infested waters. The...


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