The Mermaids Full Movie Download In Hindi

The Mermaids Full Movie Download In Hindi


The Mermaids Full Movie Download In Hindi

Mermaid sisters hunt down their father's human killer... and deal with their own personal relationships with the humans.
Diana, a stubborn mermaid, is determined to bring justice to the men who killed her merman father. Never having lived out of water before, she enlists the help of her two sisters (already living on land) to track down the murderers. Diana finds that her sister, Venus, is an aquatic dancer in a seedy bar who was forced into the position by the evil bar owner who has taken Venus' magic tiara, giving him ultimate control of her. June, the third sister, works at the local aquarium and is able to recruit the help of her friend, and love interest, Randy, a coast guard officer, to help the mermaids track down their father's killers. The sisters join forces and along the way, discover how difficult it is to be a fish out of water, and how meaningful sisterhood is.
I'll admit I didn't actually watch this movie from the beginning, I only caught the end. However, in that time, myself and my friend definitely noted at least 5 instances where this "film" could have shifted into one of those 1 am shows on Cinemax. Honestly the transition would have been seamless. Starting from the scene in the prison to the end of the movie with the delivery boy, sexual innuendo abounded. Add to that the cheesy dialogue, mediocre special effects, and paper-thin plot and you have the makings of a fairly good skin flick. Seriously all that was missing was some steamy scenes and a pizza guy.
I really loved this film since it was about mermaids. It was nice to see the story of mermaids in a different light. One of the things that these mermaids can do is if you make a wish in front of them they would have to do that wish. One also had the power of a siren and the other two sisters had their own little gadgets that helped them out when they were in a tough spot. <br/><br/>One thing that I thought was cool was that if a person found an object of a mermaid then that mermaid had to do whatever that person says to do. The fact that Venus lost her tiara and a guy found and made her preform in front of everyone at the bar wasn&#39;t fair to her. I also think it was cool that each mermaid is given a special gift that is there&#39;s.<br/><br/>I think that anyone who likes mermaid movies will love this one.


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