The Losers Full Movie In Hindi Free Download

The Losers Full Movie In Hindi Free Download


The Losers Full Movie In Hindi Free Download

A CIA special forces team are betrayed and left for dead by their superiors, galvanizing them to mount an offensive on the CIA.
Clay, Jensen, Pooch, and Roque are part of United States Special Forces Unit. They are deployed to a mission in Bolivia involving a drug lord, they end up disobeying orders and rescuing children. Their enraged boss, codenamed Max, orders them dead, but they survive, and end up doing small-time jobs. Then Aisha enters their lives, smuggles them back to the States on the condition that they kill Max. The group will soon realize that she has inducted them on a suicide mission - a mission which will take them to Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and to Mumbai, India; and come in possession of a mysterious encrypted hard-drive while not only facing betrayal from one of their own but also certain and violent death at the hands of Max.
Leave your critical mind at the door as The Losers is a movie from the comic book story that challenges the mind about as much as the strip. The redeeming and damning aspect is the fact that the script simply does not take itself seriously. Before the credits a black ops team in Bolivia is introduced as a warm hearted, convivial group of regular guys who happen to be in the business of killing people for the government. They turn out to be the good guys when they risk their lives (and take many other lives) protecting 23 children who would otherwise be slaughtered in their operation. As it turns out, the off screen CIA boss doesn&#39;t like what they did and attempts to kill them and ends up killing the 23 kids but sparing the now rogue team of five whom everyone thinks is dead. Roll intro credits. So now the movie can start.<br/><br/>From then on, it is a revenge movie to get that off screen guy, Max, who killed the kids and tried to kill them. Max gratuitously kills a whole bunch more people over the course of the movie just in case you haven&#39;t figured out he is the real bad guy. Of course, by extension, the government he works for is also bad. Good timing in these political times.<br/><br/>However, there is a problem with this simple action/revenge movie: The snickers and jokes that pepper the script require that the real horror of all those dead kids and people throughout the movie be suppressed. There is virtually no blood, no wailing injured people, just silent dead folks who disappear from the frame. &#39;No biggie&#39;, the movie seems to say &#39;I don&#39;t want to upset you so much about the deaths that you won&#39;t enjoy the quips and jokes by these really nice guys&quot; (and one girl, Zoe Saldana, who adds a plot twist). In fairness to these good guys, the script by Peter Berg and James Vanderbilt tries to minimize the deaths they cause, but the violence is rather overbearing in its sterility. This is just what the audience of young men The Losers targets want, but what message is it sending about the consequences of violence?<br/><br/>I won&#39;t let on how it ends, other than to say that, like most comic books, the fix is in for the sequel
This film could easily have been an average action film like most being released now, full of no-talent big stars, gore, nudity, and pointless profanity. But it isn&#39;t. It&#39;s far better than average. It&#39;s full of action, fun, and humour. A perfect blend.<br/><br/>Jeffrey Dean Morgan is terrific in his role as the leader of The Losers. He played one of the most memorable characters in last year&#39;s Watchmen and it&#39;s great to see him in action again.<br/><br/>Jason Patric is utterly fantastic as the villain. His character reminded me of Chuck Palahniuk for some reason. Anyway... stop reading and go watch this movie already. It would be a shame if there isn&#39;t enough support to warrant sequels.
Staying awake during this ordeal of incompetent, incomprehensible stupidity is not difficult. It’s so noisy that you can hear it in the next town. Staying interested is something else entirely.
It&#39;s called &#39;U.R.A. Fever&#39; by The Kills. The rest of the songs and their corresponding scenes can be foundhere. a5c7b9f00b

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