The Lego Movie Movie Mp4 Download

The Lego Movie Movie Mp4 Download


The Lego Movie Movie Mp4 Download

An ordinary LEGO construction worker, thought to be the prophesied as "special", is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil tyrant from gluing the LEGO universe into eternal stasis.
Emmet Brickowski a normal, everyday normal minifigure goes on a adventure with the master builders Wyldstyle, Benny, Unikitty, and even Batman. The master builders have to defeat the evil Lord/ President Business from Kragling (gluing) the world of lego.
This movie is hysterical! It's SO funny and everyone involved with this movie should be proud! Its one of those perfect combinations of comedy that reaches both adults and kids! You'll fall in love with the characters and they'll make you smile long after the credits. Criticism could come as soon as you hear the title and immediately believe it'll just be an advertisement used to promote sales; but nope, this movie is more than that! It's heartfelt, entertaining, and fun to watch! If you missed it in theaters you should defiantly check it out on OnDemand, Netflix, or D.V.D., because it's simply a must-see! I hope I'm not raising your expectations too high, but even if you don't love it's undeniably good! I've heard things about a sequel and am very excited and anxious to see where these rumors lead! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
*NOTE* Before I begin this review, the rating button was gone when I was typing this review. I do not know what has happened but I will continue to write reviews with my Grade and Number Rating if I never see it ever again. Now onto the review! Am I The Only One Who Thinks This is Great Political Commentary on Today&#39;s Society? No. Just ask Mark Caleb Smith in his article called &quot;Everything is Awesome: The Politics Of The Lego Movie&quot; Which says that the film takes place in a dictatorship or Totalitarianism Government and ends on a great note.<br/><br/>Why? Lets begin with the story. The Lego Movie follows Emmett who is a construction worker in Lego City. He one day falls into a hole finding a red Lego piece and blanks out. He wakes up being interrogated by Good Cop/Bad Cop and is rescued by a rebel who mistakes him as a Master Builder. He now has to get the Red Lego Piece to put on a glue stick to stop President Business from gluing everything together. On his way he meets a bunch of colorful characters and cameos.<br/><br/>I went to see a Sold out Showing at 7:45 tonight and it didn&#39;t disappoint. Everyone was laughing, cheering, and applauding till the end. The children in the auditorium were very quiet while watching this which I&#39;m surprised by considering when I went to see Planes they were loud and noisy.<br/><br/>The casting was good. Alison Brie plays a cross between a unicorn and a cat who likes happy thoughts and love. But don&#39;t make her angry or she will turn into a monster! She was probably my favorite character in this entire film and her casting was perfect because Brie is well known for playing soft hearted cheery women.<br/><br/>As for the story, I love it! I love that clichéd story where the chosen one has to save the world! It never gets old.<br/><br/>The animation is brilliant combining stop motion and CGI technology to make one of the most breathtaking experiences in movies for this year.<br/><br/>I wont spoil the twists, but they are awesome and unpredictable.<br/><br/>As I was saying about the Political Commentary, The Film&#39;s Characters are based off real life people. President Business compares to many Dictators. Unicorn Kitty represents many Russian Leaders of The Soviet Union. So on and So On. But in the end, The Fascist Government is torn apart and individualism spreads joy around the world. I know it sounds crazy, but its true! Look at their characteristics and worlds and you&#39;ll see what I&#39;m talking about.<br/><br/>This movie is really good. They did an excellent job with everything from the witty script to the casting to the animation. Its a really good family film that will be looked back by children in years to come.<br/><br/>Definite must see movie.<br/><br/>89/100 B+
The Lego Movie is bursting out of its box with enthusiasm and excitement for the possibilities of a little pile of nubby plastic.

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