The Legend Of Hells Gate An American Conspiracy Full Movie Hd 1080p Download Kickass Movie

The Legend Of Hells Gate An American Conspiracy Full Movie Hd 1080p Download Kickass Movie


The Legend Of Hell's Gate: An American Conspiracy Full Movie Hd 1080p Download Kickass Movie

The story of how 'Hell's Gate' at Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas came to have its name. Relive the story of how three outlaws' expeditions and encounters through historical 1870s Texas were remembered for a lifetime.
Surrounded by whisky-fueled outlaws and a treacherous wilderness, how is one to survive? Based on real events, this Texas based tale uncovers the mystery of the events surrounding the legendary Hell's Gate, a cliff formation that rises out of Possum Kingdom Lake in Texas. When a curious errand boy catches wind of one of America's most infamous crimes, he falls in with two desperate men on the wrong side of the law. Crossing paths with some of the West's most notorious figures, these three outlaws fight for their lives in the pursuit of fame and riches. Few are to be trusted, as their interwoven stories prove that everyone has a hidden agenda, and by no means is anyone innocent. Fueled by a talented ensemble cast THE LEGEND OF HELL'S GATE blends legend and history into a Western spectacle that recounts the treacherous existence in post Civil War Texas.
Thought I might have been missing something but based on the majority of reviews here, apparently not. The most frustrating part of the story was figuring out who the principal characters were supposed to be. That was finally cleared up about half way through, but with virtually no coherence to a rational story line. The Doc Holliday segment caught my attention for the mere reason that he charged $13.14 to pull a bad tooth; how did he come up with that fee? The business with John Wilkes Booth might have been more interesting if the theory that he survived after the assassination of President Lincoln had some credibility. And gee, do you really think a mule would lose his balance and fall off a cliff? Although thinking about it now, that might have been an appropriate metaphor for this picture. The Legend of Hell's Gate likely needs a new origin story.
"My name is not St. Helens, my name John Booth the assassin of Abraham Lincoln." Just outside Possum Kingdom Lake in Texas there is a cliff formation that is known as Hell's Gate. During the 1870's this place was home to notorious outlaws and crimes. When a young boy overhears a conversation involving the local bartender he thinks he found a way to get rich. He teams with two strangers in order to make it rich and famous. Being a huge history buff this movie seemed very interesting to me. It says based on a true story, but I'm not sure how accurate this actually is. I have been saying that the western genre has really fallen off in the last ten years. This one is still a definite B western, but it is much much better then most of the recent ones. The acting is iffy at best but the story keeps you watching and I was actually surprised at how much I was enjoying it. Overall, not a bad western at all. Very watchable and pretty entertaining. I give it a B.


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