The Legend Of Ben Hall Sub Download

The Legend Of Ben Hall Sub Download


The Legend Of Ben Hall Sub Download

Ben Hall is drawn back into bushranging by the reappearance of his old friend John Gilbert. Reforming the gang, they soon become the most wanted men in Australian history.
The epic, true story of the most wanted men in Australia's bushranger history. After years on the run, Ben Hall and his infamous gang now only need to steal enough cash and gold to flee to America. The gang prove unstoppable until one fateful day during a Mail Coach robbery, a Police Sergeant is shot dead. With the laws soon to change, making the bounty on their heads profitable and deadly, Ben and his gang must each face the consequences of their crimes. As friends turn to enemies and enemies turn to bounty hunters, the police are now determined more than ever to capture or even kill the gang at any cost.
This production is based on the true story of Ben Hall the infamous and legendary Australian bushranger. Unfortunately we don&#39;t see much of his exciting life, just the last 9 months. Sort of like watching &quot;The Legend of Butch and Sundance&quot; with the film starting in Bolivia but not as short as Monty Python&#39;s &quot;Death of Mary, Queen of Scots.&quot; The film could have just as easily been titled, &quot;The Death of Ben Hall&quot; as it failed to show us why the man was legendary, just why he was dead.<br/><br/>The Ben Hall (Jack Martin) in this film is dull and lifeless. He is melancholy about being separated from his son. Personalty is reserved exclusively for John Gilbert (Jamie Coffa) a flamboyant outlaw. Like so many low budget films the high budget past was &quot;as read.&quot; It has all the components of an outlaw western, but knowing what they left out made the film a disappointment.<br/><br/>Guide&quot; F-word. Implied sex. Very brief nudity.
Getting right into my movie/art criteria:<br/><br/>Do I believe the characters? Yes! Right down to the supporting cast and minor characters -- I can&#39;t think of one I thought was acting a part in a movie.<br/><br/>Do I care about the characters? 100% -- absolutely. <br/><br/>Do I believe the story? Without a doubt. So believable, I felt I was watching a documentary, that I was secretly following Ben Hall&#39;s bushrangers around, from the comfort &amp; safety of my modern home.<br/><br/>Do I care about the story? Yes! I was sad that the movie ended. <br/><br/>I wanted to keep following the gang around -- I wanted to see even more, but the story ended; there was no more to be seen.<br/><br/>The Lengend of Ben Hall has joined my group of favorite outlaw movies, along with Unforgiven, American Gangster, and Josey Wales. <br/><br/>The difference between Ben Hall and those others, beyond the obvious change of scene is, it evokes a different feeling. The classic outlaw pics have a decidedly familiar feel and context. As such they are not too much of a stretch for the emotions. With Ben Hall, the people, the landscapes, the music -- it&#39;s all unusual, a bit strange, a bit of a challenge to relate to. Something new and unusual can be a bit unsettling, even daunting. I find it refreshing.<br/><br/>Ben Hall is a slow paced film. Scenes and situations have ample time to evolve. I find the slow pace appropriate to the intent of the film.<br/><br/>Finally, loved Jack Martin&#39;s rendition of an introverted Aussie Bandit -- I look forward to seeing his evolution as an actor.


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