The Heat Tamil Dubbed Movie Free Download

The Heat Tamil Dubbed Movie Free Download


The Heat Tamil Dubbed Movie Free Download

An uptight FBI Special Agent is paired with a foul-mouthed Boston cop to take down a ruthless drug lord.
Sarah Ashburn, an FBI agent, is extremely ambitious and has her eye on a promotion, but she doesn't get along with her co-workers. She is sent to Boston to uncover the identity of an elusive drug lord, Mr. Larkin, by tracking down his proxy, Rojas, and is told that she'll have a good shot at the promotion if she finds Larkin. When she arrives in Boston, she learns that Larkin has been eliminating his competition and taking over their operations. She learns that Rojas is in Boston PD custody and goes to see him to ask him what he knows about Larkin, but is warned that the cop who arrested Rojas, Shannon Mullins, is very territorial, and she is not exactly sociable. When the two meet they don't get along. When Mullins learns why Ashburn is in Boston, she decides to find Larkin herself. Ashburn is told by her boss to work with Mullins, but it won't be easy because Ashburn does things by the book while Mullins does things her way.
The 1970s meet the 2010s. New York meets Boston. By-the-book smarts meets reckless street smarts. Female buddy comedy meets cop drama. The above combinations result in some pretty funny jokes and humour of all sorts. &quot;The Heat&quot; isn&#39;t a particularly good movie, but I think they knew that and went straight for the comedy, or should I say, went wildly for the comedy.<br/><br/>I&#39;ve seen enough cop movies for a lifetime, and I&#39;ve definitely seen enough 1970s cop movies for a lifetime, and although that is technically what this movie is, it&#39;s also hilarious. Sandra Bullock goes back to her &quot;Miss Congeniality&quot; roots and plays FBI agent Sarah Ashburn who closes cases with intelligence and a lack of social skills. Melissa McCarthy is again playing into her new-found type with Shannon Mullins a Boston Police Detective who closes cases with pure brute force and an even greater lack of social skills.<br/><br/>For the sake of the film and the audience, the girls play well together, really well together. Of course, for the sake of the FBI and the Boston Police Department, the girls do not play well together. But that&#39;s what you get with a cop movie, and although I would like to say that we can just ignore that, the surprising part is that we don&#39;t have to. There were enough clever jokes that turned the whole opposite-cops-butting-heads dynamic upside down. <br/><br/>McCarthy is easily the funniest she has ever been. In one scene she teaches Bullock how to be sexy, in another scene she teaches a misogynist to not judge women by their looks, and in many, many scenes she goes to the fullest extremes that most actresses won&#39;t go with physical comedy and some fantastic delivery. The fact that none of the other actors burst out laughing is probably praise enough for their abilities.<br/><br/>All of the supporting actors were under-used. There were a lot of under-appreciated comedic talents showing up for a scene or two like John Ross Bowie, Nathan Corddry and Jane Curtin, but they were unfortunately kept in the background. As funny as Bullock and McCarthy are (and they are very funny), I would have liked to have seen these guys and others get more time, because honestly, it would have meant even more laughs.<br/><br/>Thankfully the next best role went to Demian Bichir. Oscar-nominated before anybody knows his name, and I&#39;ve only seen him in one small, off- beat indie, but he should be setting himself up for a career in both comedy and drama since he was very funny as the straight man (in a few scenes) to the ridiculous antics of the girls.<br/><br/>&quot;The Heat&quot; definitely starts to drag on, after all it is a cop movie and they have to finish the plot they started. And like almost all Hollywood comedies, they have to add in some drama to make it more &quot;heartfelt&quot; or some other adjective that doesn&#39;t belong in a film like this. When the girls are being funny, it&#39;s hilarious, but when the movie tries to become more than it is, it loses its comedic edge and gets a little long and boring. Probably any scene without McCarthy telling a joke, or being a joke, or just being on the sidelines of a joke, should have been cut.
I think they have some sort of grudge against the genre or actors, buuuuut.... if you like an easy belly laugh and some A-Grade swearing then just treat yourself to this movie, my face is still aching from laughing. It&#39;s not going to change the art of cinema, but it will make you forget your troubles for a couple of hours and also put a sparkle in your eye for a good while.<br/><br/>Sad that they wouldn&#39;t contemplate a sequel, as the chemistry between these two is just fantastic. Though admirable integrity on not selling out.<br/><br/>DON&#39;T listen to the negative reviews, make up your own mind.
More often than not The Heat is just stupid-funny, which circles us back to McCarthy, motor-mouthing four-letter fury like an operatic aria. She sells Mullins as delightfully unhinged and fairly radiating with rage, and it’s irresistible.
The US Blu-ray features two versions of the film. Next to the R-rated theatrical version, we have an unrated cut that doesn&#39;t offer a substantially better film. If you liked the theatrical version, you might enjoy some of the plot extension that the longer cut introduces since they add a little humor but they are not necessary to alter the film&#39;s overall impression. In total the Unrated Version runs approx. three minutes longer than the Theatrical Version. a5c7b9f00b

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