The Han Solo A Smugglers Trade Download

The Han Solo A Smugglers Trade Download


The Han Solo: A Smuggler's Trade Download

A young smuggler by the name of Han Solo is on a mission to rescue his pal Chewbacca. Which of course brings some trouble along the way...
"Han Solo: A Smuggler's Trade" is a 13-minute live action short film from December 2016 that managed to get pretty popular through Youtube. The title already tells you that it jumps on the recent Star Wars bandwagon and here we have Han Solo out on his quest to save Chewbacca who is held captive by a bad guy. That's all there is to it. The scene early on with the green lady and the firing in the desert feels very random and thrown in with no further connection to the story. Visually, in terms of sets, costumes and effects, it is above-average for a fan film, but the story is really only good enough for half the runtime. This is a bit of a shame as with Doug Jones (playing the bad guy) this one has an actor with a talent and experience that is usually not to be found in short films, especially rookie works because this is the very first credit for writer and director Keith Allen. The Han Solo actor looks the part physically, especially in costume, but his recurring smile is not working. And there are more problems with this movie if you look at it in detail, for example how he shouts at Chewbacca while fighting and the bad guy won't even mind. So yeah, it's a relatively forgettable film and only worth seeing for the very biggest Star Wars fans. Everybody else can skip it and they won't be missing much. I give it a thumbs-down.
Typically when it comes to fan creations, there&#39;s not enough to warrant making a stink about them as the constraints tend to make them not particularly notable. Once in a while something special comes along that captures the tone and feel of the source material that it should be mentioned. This is one of them...<br/><br/>While, yes, this does suffer from budget constraints and actors who aren&#39;t exactly seasoned but they all hit it pretty dead on. I imagine if you gave these people a solid budget, they could do wonders for a real Han Solo movie. This short itself is a fantastic starting point for what could have been a full film. Aside from the obvious wonkiness of trying to get used to someone else playing Solo, Jamie Costa fits the bill pretty darn close...all things considered. Chewy was on point, and outside of the Dash Rendar costume all of the wardrobe looked great. <br/><br/>Everything else was just about right where it needed to be: The plot was fun and charming, the tone and look of everything felt distinctly Star Wars, and Han&#39;s dialogue was very fitting. If only somehow we had a Harrison Ford time machine (or Anthony Ingruber) to slap the real Han into this film, then we&#39;d be ready for takeoff.<br/><br/>It&#39;s wort all 13 minute of runtime on Youtube, so check it out.


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