The Golden Child Full Movie Hd Download

The Golden Child Full Movie Hd Download


The Golden Child Full Movie Hd Download

Eddie Murphy plays a detective with a speciality of finding lost children. He is told he is the 'Chosen one' who will find and protect the Golden Child, a Bhuddist mystic who was kidnapped by an evil sorcerer. Murphy disbelieves the mysticism but finds more and more evidence of demon worship as he investigates.
A private detective specializing in missing children is charged with the task of finding a special child who dark forces want to eliminate.
I bought this movie with my laserdisc player way back when, and I still love watching it today! Very funny movie, with just the right Eddie Murphy humor to keep it from being too serious. Yes, you drama lovers, this is SUPPOSED to be a fun flick! Why someone would even want Eddie Murphy to be serious is beyond me. In fact, I think you have to be either an Eddie Murphy fan, or looking for a goofy time to enjoy this one.<br/><br/>In all, this movie will make you chuckle all the way through!
Why cant numspa say the letter J in Eddie&#39;s chars. name or when saying the name of the dagger, but has no problem saying &quot;I could crush you JUST like that&quot; I don&#39;t get it. I do like this movie very much i saw it when i first came out and reminds me of being a kid again. Back then it almost scard me lol. I also like to see Eddie the way he used to be before he got all Disney on us. He needs to drop an (F) bomb every now and then. And the Asian chick was smoking i love the seen when she kicks the biker through the wall and get her shirt wet, very hot. In the end this is not a bad movie the effects are OK for their time but a little cheesy by todays standards. Hey i bought the DVD.
After his triumphant Beverly Hills Cop, Eddie Murphy could have done anything. Why, then, did he choose to head for the mysterious Orient to make a film as rich in mumbo jumbo as The Golden Child? Mr. Murphy's comic skepticism in the face of all this is the film's greatest asset. But it is worn thin by the awareness that not even he seems able to take the adventure seriously, and by the preposterousness and inconsistency of what surrounds him.

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