The Girl Is In Trouble Malayalam Full Movie Free Download

The Girl Is In Trouble Malayalam Full Movie Free Download


The Girl Is In Trouble Malayalam Full Movie Free Download

A Lower East Side bartender becomes entangled in a murder mystery involving a desperate woman, a missing drug dealer and the scion of a powerful investment firm.
After spending the night with a mysterious woman, a down on his luck DJ discovers evidence of a murder involving a dangerous drug dealer and a billionaire's son. Desperate for money, he must decide whether to blackmail the killer or help the girl out of escalating troubles.
Where to begin? Acting is mediocre at best.<br/><br/>Storyline is like something a couple of middle school kids would makeup during a lunch break.<br/><br/>Like the previous reviewer had stated....the monologue is excessive, boring, wanders off on ridiculous tangents....AWFUL! This movie was the most painful movie I have ever watched. I literally quit watching the movie and then later resumed it 4 times.<br/><br/>For a 90 minute movie it felt like 4 hours.<br/><br/>The movie is so boring. I can think of maybe 2 scenes that total 3 minutes where the movie actually made me turn my head to fully see the screen. Prior to that I shifted between listening with both eyes closed and then laying on my side with only one eye partially is that bad.<br/><br/>I really think this movie must have gotten a 5+ rating because of Spike Lee&#39;s name.<br/><br/>Not that Spike Lee has ever done a great movie....but the fact that Spike Lee is just a cool name.<br/><br/>Do yourself a favor....slide down razor blades into a pool of alcohol and skip this movie. You&#39;ll feel much better in the end.
No one else is going to review this so I guess I will.<br/><br/>I know that shaky-cam is the new hip technique but please, knock it the f*** off. It gives me a head ache. It doesn&#39;t make the movie look interesting or hip. It makes it look cheap, as in too cheap to hire a camera guy who isn&#39;t drunk. If that&#39;s the case then borrow a tripod. It looks like the whole thing was shot on cellphones. Maybe it was.<br/><br/>There&#39;s an old adage in screen writing that says, &quot;show it, don&#39;t tell it.&quot; Movies are a visual experience as well as audio. If you want to tell a story with words then write a book. A little narration at times is OK, but a little bit goes a long way. In this film the narration goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on. Is that annoying to read that? Then you&#39;re beginning the get the drift.<br/><br/>Pros - <br/><br/>The acting is good from everyone. The story, if not altogether original, is decent. But the overall experience is just too annoying to put up with.
Unfortunately, despite displaying an admirable stylistic ambitiousness and excellent use of its NYC Lower East Side locations The Girl is in Trouble never manages to feel like more than a strained, modern-day pastiche.

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