The French Connection Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4

The French Connection Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4


The French Connection Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4

William Friedkin's gritty police drama portrays two tough New York City cops trying to intercept a huge heroin shipment coming from France. An interesting contrast is established between 'Popeye' Doyle, a short-tempered alcoholic bigot who is nevertheless a hard-working and dedicated police officer, and his nemesis Alain Charnier, a suave and urbane gentleman who is nevertheless a criminal and one of the largest drug suppliers of pure heroin to North America. During the surveillance and eventual bust, Friedkin provides one of the most gripping and memorable car chase sequences ever filmed.
Police partners Doyle and Russo put a candy store under surveillance based on a hunch that something fishy was going on. Eventually it turns out that the proprietors are involved in one of the biggest narcotics smuggling rings on either side of the Atlantic, and the cops go to work.
Yesterday evening, I began watching this film with two of my friends (Mughni and Shashank) in my room on my 20&quot; Philips LDC monitor. We stared with a lot of enthusiasm as I had read the reviews (including by Roger Ebert) and knew that it had won five Oscars. We anticipated viewing pleasure as we started.<br/><br/>Twenty-eight minutes into the film, and we grew tired of it! This was the common feeling in three of us. A lot of US slang expressions, Americanisms and delay in building tempo and lack of special stuff to mark it off from an ordinary film were the reasons that disappointed us. (We are from New Delhi, India and I write this to make our prejudices clear.) I don&#39;t think non-US crowd will like it so easily; it just didn&#39;t live up to the hype for us.<br/><br/>We stopped the film at the 28th minute. However, I finished the film alone few minutes ago.<br/><br/>I will give it 6.5 or 7 out of 10. It&#39;s good but nothing great or very special. So the enormous praise really confuses me. It&#39;s just a good film relating to chase, crime and exploration—don&#39;t expect much from the film. I have seen better films in the same genre but they aren&#39;t so famous as this one! My friends even commented that it may have got so many Oscars due to lack of competition in that year! Gene has done a good job in the film but it&#39;s not an Oscar-worthy role. A &#39;so-so&#39; film, to use an Indian phrase.
I had heard about this movie being a classic actioner featuring a classic car chase and having won 5 Oscars. Eleven years ago I watched this movie when it came on TV. At the time I thought it was the worst movie I had ever seen and was so baffled as to how it could be so popular. I felt it was just a series of random events put together and so deeply disappointed by the so called classic car chase which was just a car driving fast underneath a trainline. In my previous review for this movie I actually went as far as rating it 1/10.<br/><br/>However there have been a number of movies which I enjoyed more after a second viewing including Batman Begins, Alien and Point Break. So I finally decided I would give The French Connection another go.<br/><br/>I will admit it was much better than my first viewing. However I do not think this is a good movie, let alone a classic. There was a storyline which was OK although it did get a bit disjointed at times. Gene Hackman did a good job in his role as well. There was no score for the movie which would have made it more intense. There was of course still little action and I was still a bit underwhelmed by the car chase.<br/><br/>While it is something you can watch if you&#39;ve got nothing else to do, for me it does not qualify as a great movie. My opinion is you&#39;d be better off watching Dirty Harry released the same year or Ronin which I think are far better movies.
There is only one problem with the excitement generated by this film. After it is over, you will walk out of the theater and, as I did, curse the tedium of your own life. I kept looking for someone who I could throw up against a wall. [8 November 1971]
The word &quot;frog&quot; is often used as a derogatory term for someone of French descent. When Popeye refers to Charnier as &quot;Frog One,&quot; he&#39;s trying to distinguish Charnier from his partner, Pierre Nicoli. It can also be a way to show Popeye&#39;s generally bigoted attitude. He&#39;s deliberately trying to confuse Willy into making a confession. Poughkeepsie is a small city about 80 miles north of New York on the Hudson River. Willy may have a drug connection up there that buys product from him and sells it in that region. His line, which is somewhere along the lines of &quot;when was the last time you picked your feet in Poughkeepsie&quot; is basically nonsense. Repeating it and variations of it including only Poughkeepsie or just when the person has last &quot;picked their feet&quot;, over and over in a threatening manner, is a tactic meant to bewilder the subject. While the criminal is desperately trying to figure out what this sentence is a code for, the interrogators intersperse the badgering with actual questions like &quot;who&#39;s your connection Willie, what&#39;s his name!?&quot; and &quot;is it Joe the barber?&quot; The totally confused criminal up against the wall, doesn&#39;t know what this Poughkeepsie thing is, but it sounds bad and he sure didn&#39;t do it. So to take the questioning away from this mysterious act the police think he&#39;s performed, that must be pretty terrible, Willie admits to what they really want to know out of fear. This tactic/phrase was actually developed by the character that Gene Hackman played, in real life (the movie is loosely based on a true story). Source: French Connection Commentary extra found in the DVD version of the movie. They more than likely bought Devereaux a new car exactly like the old one. Putting the car back together after spending several hours tearing it apart would have taken at least twice as long, plus there was the actual damage they caused to the interior while ripping out upholstery, carpeting &amp; other trim. From there it&#39;d be a simple matter of buying a new Lincoln, pulling out the rocker panels in that one &amp; stashing the heroin &amp; transferring the license plates to it. a5c7b9f00b

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