The Eternal Zero In Hindi Movie Download

The Eternal Zero In Hindi Movie Download


The Eternal Zero In Hindi Movie Download

A young woman and her brother explore the history of their grandfather, who died in the WW2. They start contacting the m'en who flew with him, asking them about who he was.
26 year old Kentaro discovers his biological grandfather died as a kamikaze pilot during WW2. He and his sister begin an investigation into what kind of person he was, interviewing men who fought with him. There follows the story of Japanese Navy Air Service Platoon Sergeant Miyabe, as told by four of the men who knew him best. Intricately woven the film follows him through Pearl Harbor, the Midway Battle and the Battle for Okinawa. When he finally loses his will and respect for life he enrolls in the Special Attack Force and passes his responsibility to return to his wife and infant daughter on to a younger pilot. An engaging tale of a man brave enough to challenge accepted ways of thinking.
We heard it all before: enemies are people too who have families to which they long to return. But rarely do we see the protagonist change his mind about going home at the last moment. Love, sacrifice, promises, priorities, obligations, guilt, consequences. How important are these things at time of war? Less? Or more? Which takes precedence? Why? And who&#39;s to say? 60 years after the war is probably a good time to ask these questions. Not ancient enough that everyone that was there are dead and not recent enough that it still hurts (badly).<br/><br/>The dinner conversation that ended abruptly with the diners comparing Kamikaze pilots and modern-day suicide bombers was a particularly good call by the filmmakers.
The perspective of this movie can change by different people. For a Japan it is a story of hero, but for an American it is a propaganda movie. I think it is a nice Japan propaganda movie. This movie is showing us even today&#39;s Japan Kamikaze pilots and soldiers which fight in WW2 are excluded, because for some young Japans Kamikaze pilots are ultra-nationalist psychopaths and there is no difference between suicide bombers and Kamikaze pilots. But this movie is arguing every Kamikaze pilot is not ultra-nationalist psychopaths, there are some dramatic stories of Kamikaze pilots. Miyabe sacrificed himself, because he became very sad on death of young Kamikaze pilots and he wanted to cover a young soldier, in this way he died as a hero, but no one knows it. So it is a nice movie for showed us this story, because there are some real untold stories like in this movie. Also I liked structure of movie that deeply examine of characters and present different kind of perspective. So I think this movie is a successful movie. But I have some unanswered questions and I found some deficiencies about movie. For example, why soldiers called Miyabe as coward? I think scriptwriter wanted to show he decided to die, because death is an escape hatch, and he could not face with sadness of war and he decided to suicide, so they could called him as a coward. Also Why Miyabe saddened too much about death of kamikaze pilots? I think he knows kamikaze pilots be kamikaze pilots for death. Also movie stayed on only character level, I think it should have more entered into war and also should have showed real face of Imperial Japan. For example why they attacked Pearl Harbour, if I did not know about what happened in pearl harbour and why Japan attacked the US, I could not understand why they are fighting each other. So if they were entered more into war, movie would be better. I was expecting to see more war scenes. Although they dramatic story and atmosphere of movie have covered these deficiencies. Also movie continued too long, if it has been ended after Kentero&#39;s and his sister&#39;s learned the truth, it could be more effective.


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