The Eraser Hindi Dubbed Free Download

The Eraser Hindi Dubbed Free Download


The Eraser Hindi Dubbed Free Download

John Kruger works for the witness relocation program as a U.S. Marshal. His job is to remove all traces of the identity of any witness in the program and to, as called for, eliminate threats against any of those witnesses. John works alone and is the best at what he does. When Lee Cullen, a high level executive with a U.S. weapons manufacturer, turns over evidence of illegal arms deals to the FBI, John is assigned to protect her. But they both soon find that the level of treason extends far past the Cyrex Corporation and into high levels of the government. John and Lee become the target of these money grubbing capitalist pigs and their survival depends upon John's ability to protect both of them.
U.S. Marshal deputy John Kruger is one of the toughest Marshals, his methods are to "Erase" The identities of his witnesses he is assigned to protect. Meanwhile, a woman named Lee Cullen who works for a corporation named Cyrez performed an undercover job for the FBI to unveil a top secret weapon which uses an electromagnetic pulse to dispatch targets. Cyrez discovered this about Lee and are now out to kill her, Kruger's job is now to protect Lee so she can testify against Cyrez. But, when Kruger was assigned to perform a job with another Marshal named Robert Deguerin, he discovers that Deguerin is behind some kind of scam that will involve the EM Gun, which will change hands to a Russian criminal if Kruger does not stop them, Kruger must not only protect Lee's life but his own.
ERASER is yet another Arnold Schwarzenegger action film that's loaded with shootouts, explosions, and exciting stunt scene's. The plot is pretty basic of an action film, protect a witness from killers, but it works and the film is quite enjoyable. Arnold is his usual tough action hero self and he is very good in this one, and James Caan made a good villain. There were also some cool new weapons introduced in this film that dont actually exist in real life but are fun to see used throughout the film. Overall, a very enjoyable film, and though it's not one of Arnold's best, it is still a fun film. 3.5/5
Well, you could do a lot worse than &quot;Eraser&quot;, but it&#39;s not the best of Arnold&#39;s movies, or even his &#39;90s output. There are some decent action scenes, but the brake pedal gets stomped in between. For all of his outlandish stunts, this is a surprisingly long movie.<br/><br/>It&#39;s the supporting cast (James Caan, Robert Pastorelli, and the stunning Vanessa Williams) that make it as good as it is.<br/><br/>Although more CGI crocs couldn&#39;t have hurt.<br/><br/>6/10
You're not watching anything original, you're just reexperiencing elements you've seen in a jillion other spectacles (including "Die Hard," "True Lies" and even "Mission: Impossible"), only with more heat, more crash, more burn.
Lee Cullen (<a href="/name/nm0001853/">Vanessa Williams</a>), a senior executive with the Cyrez Corporation, manufacturer of secret weapons for the military, has discovered an internal scam involving the illegal sale of high tech weapons to terrorists, an act of treason. She reports it to the F.B.I., and U.S. Marshall John Kruger (<a href="/name/nm0000216/">Arnold Schwarzenegger</a>) is assigned to protect her until she can testify against Cyrez. Unfortunately, Kruger&#39;s colleague and mentor, Robert Deguerin (<a href="/name/nm0001001/">James Caan</a>), also a U.S. Marshall, is actually the mastermind behind the scam. Deguerin frames Kruger for killing another agent. With the help of Johnny Casteleone (<a href="/name/nm0665123/">Robert Pastorelli</a>), an ex-mobster currently in the Witness Protection Program, Kruger attempts to prove his innocence and infiltrate Cyrez in order to find out exactly what is happening. Eraser is based on a screenplay written by Tony Puryear, Walon Green, and Michael S. Chernuchin. In the movie, &quot;Eraser&quot; refers to a witness protection agent who &quot;erases&quot; a person&#39;s past life and sets them up with a new identity. Osso bucco (translation &#39;bone hole&#39;) is a Milanese (Italian) dish made of veal shanks braised with vegetables and broth. Lee explains that a railgun is a secret electromagnetic pulse rifle that doesn&#39;t use gunpowder or bullets but fires aluminum rounds at extremely high speed. According to Lee, Cyrez was contracted to scale it down to make an assault rifle, the most powerful assault rifle on Earth. Kruger and Lee had previously agreed that, if Kruger contacted her, she must immediately go to a public place such as the zoo. Knowing that he was drugged, Kruger feared that he might reveal her whereabouts. DeGuerin was also probably well aware that Kruger had been trained to withstand extreme amounts of pain so he knew that torturing him to get Lee&#39;s location would be pointless. Therefore, drugging and tricking him into paging Lee was the best option. On the courthouse steps, following their indictment for treason, Deguerin and Undersecretary of Defense Daniel Harper (<a href="/name/nm0738850/">Andy Romano</a>) tell reporters that their actions have exposed an alliance between this administration and some of &quot;our nation&#39;s worst enemies&quot; and insist that they will be vindicated at the upcoming trial. Deguerin privately assures Harper that their case will never reach trial because all they have is Lee&#39;s testimony against them. Meanwhile, Kruger and Lee get into a van and prepare to drive away. Suddenly, in front of everyone&#39;s eyes, the van explodes. Not seen by anyone is a hand closing a sewer grating under the van. Deguerin and Harper drive away in their limo, congratulating each other on arranging Lee&#39;s timely death, until they realize that neither of them had anything to do with it. Suddenly, the limo stops, the door locks close automatically, and the chauffeur, actually Johnny Casteleone in disguise, walks away from the car. The limo phone rings, and Kruger&#39;s voice says, &quot;You&#39;ve just been erased.&quot; Kruger can be seen standing near the road as Deguerin and Harper realize that they&#39;re parked on railroad tracks and that a train is rapidly approaching them. They struggle to no avail to unlock the limo doors and break the windows, but the train crashes into them and the limo goes up in flames. In the final scene, Johnny drives off in another car and waves to Kruger as he passes. Kruger climbs down an embankment into another car where Lee is waiting. &quot;What happened?&quot;, she asks. Kruger replies, &quot;They caught a train,&quot; and they drive away. Caught a Train by Trevor Rabin. This Schwarzenegger action flick is heavily censored in the UK missing out more than two minutes of action and fight sequences not suitable for kids at the age of 15. Alison along with several other witnesses were killed for 2 reasons: (1) it would trick Kruger into thinking that Lee was in danger and hopefully it would convince Kruger to reveal where he had hidden her, and (2) when they killed Lee it wouldn&#39;t look like it was related to the Cyrez scandal. a5c7b9f00b

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