The El Coyote Part 1 Download

The El Coyote Part 1 Download


The El Coyote: Part 1 Download

Walker goes undercover as a peasant to stop a slave trading operation.
This 2 parter really makes people sympathetic to people who come across the border from Mexico. The action is very good and it demonstrates how some people are willing to take advantage of others for money or so that they can have cheap labor. I especially felt sorry for the women who were forced to become prostitutes. That was really hard to see someone who was given no choice in the matter. They were told that they would either do it or be killed. That is the same method that all the drug cartels, dictators and rebels of the world use. I hate to say this but this has happened in the past and will continue to happen as long as the Developed Nations (United States/Great Britain, and others) want to pay the lowest prices possible for all items without realizing how many people die and are killed to make that possible. Everyone should have to watch these 2.


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