The Durham County

The Durham County


The Durham County

They say there's only six degrees of separation between you and anyone else in the world, but sometimes it's not even that. Sometimes the most brutal evil you can imagine is already in your world. Sometimes he's just across the street. Durham County is an emotionally powerful six one hour dramatic series that revolves around Detective Mike Sweeney and his family as he hunts a serial killer he's certain is the guy across the street. You'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference between the cop and the killer or between them and you. They have a shared history, one that goes all the way back to high school. You think you can leave your past behind. But you can't...
I&#39;m a guy who loves his creepy dramas and this is by far my favorite so far. It has so many elements working on so many different levels, but it&#39;s all presented so simply. It reminds me a lot of the show Dexter but more story driven and a little simpler intellectually. After watching thousands of episodes of CSI, I would have thought I was more than desensitized to anything T.V. could throw at me, but the entire first episode gave me chills. It&#39;s a bit grotesque and bloody but it&#39;s not unnecessarily so like most horror movies and crime dramas. It&#39;s a great back and forth chess match of a show, and you&#39;ll feel guilty for having such a good time with it.<br/><br/>And it&#39;s not just the violence itself. The characters set up the scenes easily and they develop themselves beautifully, the scenery and environments are great and they set up the atmosphere of impending doom, the effects cut the monotony and still makes you feel crazy. So great! Hurray! We can finally be shocked by murder again!
I LOVE dramas, and more often than not the more disturbing, the better. The Sopranos, Dexter, Cracker (UK), Taxi Driver, you name it, I&#39;ve watched it and enjoyed it while everyone else in the house hides in the other room and just listens. I love watching the twists and turns and figuring out people&#39;s foibles. Not this program.<br/><br/>The antagonists are far too disturbing, and most of the protagonists aren&#39;t much better. The only people left are the innocents, and I guess I&#39;m just not that into watching torturing innocents, whether of the physical or psychological nature.<br/><br/>I have to admit I only made it halfway through episode 2 and had to stop. A snuff film might be more watchable than this. If you&#39;re really into gruesome, and you really want to take some punishment, this may be the series for you. As near as I could see the series is well written. But this is a horror show, not a drama, not a mystery. Don&#39;t be fooled. I&#39;m giving 4 stars based only upon the cinematography and the characters are written extremely well, because they are not people I am interested in knowing anything about, and that&#39;s how we should feel about people like that. I wish I could un-see it.


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