The Daredevil Download

The Daredevil Download


The Daredevil Download

Lawyer by day, Vigilante by night, Matt Murdock tries to protect the innocent people of the crime ridden Hell's Kitchen, NYC. Blinded by chemicals after a freak accident, his senses have become heightened. Now, "the devil of Hell's Kitchen" must deal with two lives, romance, and psychotic crime bosses.
The first season sees lawyer-by-day Matt Murdock use his heightened senses from being blinded as a young boy to fight crime at night on the streets of New York City's Hell's Kitchen neighborhood as Daredevil, while uncovering a conspiracy of the criminal underworld being led by Wilson Fisk. In the second season, Murdock continues to balance life as a lawyer and Daredevil, while crossing paths with Frank Castle / Punisher, a vigilante with far deadlier methods, as well as the return of his old girlfriend - Elektra Natchios.
I don&#39;t know were to begin to describe how surprised and taken back by watching this series. <br/><br/>First of, lets be honest. The Daredevil &quot;franchise&quot;, within the media aspect doesn&#39;t/didn&#39;t have a really great reputation(unnamed fiasco will be unnamed) from the get--go. So I didn&#39;t expect much from this series when I decided to pick it up, mostly because I&#39;ve finished everything else there was to watch.<br/><br/>Oboy, I&#39;m happy I did. I can say without a doubt this climbed to the top of my priority list with in the first few episode.<br/><br/>The characters are lovable and grows on you really fast, great cast of actors, perfect for there respective roll to play. The phase of the series is perfect, I love to get to travel from the start to the end together with all characters and can&#39;t wait to continue to do so.<br/><br/>The fighting scenes... oh my gosh!. The fighting scenes, choreography, environment, sound and effects are fantastic! Very Christopher Nohlan&#39;s Batman-ish in terms of sound. I just love it, all of it.<br/><br/>So thank you for doing this, I hope, I look forward to another season and everything beyond that as well.
First the bad:<br/><br/>I am not sure why, but I feel the acting is poor in this series. Which is incredible to say because good actors are in the show. Vincent D&#39;norfio who is an excellent actor falls flat in this series. His take on Fisk has a forced Shakespearian quality as he delivers his lines with not much realism. I also blame the writing and character development. Again with Fisk; it&#39;s like I am watching two different characters. Many episodes depict Fisk as a caring nice guy who only wants his city to thrive. Yet in seldom episodes we see how much of a maniac he is. The problem is that there is seemingly no correlation between these two dynamics, so his character overall isn&#39;t believable. <br/><br/>Foggy Nelson is meant to be the comic relief and this also falls flat, with jokes not being well made, or the I mind is off and the joke falls flat. The girl who is introduced in the first episode has really just been reduced to a character that pouts and criesa lot. <br/><br/>I can&#39;t tell if it&#39;s the writing, the acting, or maybe an overbearing director or producer. But something is prevent pretty good actor delivering believable lines.<br/><br/>Now the Good:<br/><br/>Charlie Cox is excluded from this poor acting critique. His monologues are well done, believable, and carries the emotional weight they should. particularly when he is giving a monologue about justice. Here is where the series shines. With a couple of episodes in the first season such as episode 8 I get a sense that I am watching The Wire ( which is what I believe the makers of the series are striving for), a crime drama.<br/><br/>Scott Glen is also very good although he doesn&#39;t carry much screen time. <br/><br/>The blood and gore was surprising and appreciated. The fighting is well done although always done in the dark so it&#39;s hard as hell to see what&#39;s going on. What you can make out looks good though. One particular scene is a single continuous fight scene about 1-2 minutes long, very impressive. <br/><br/>So in conclusion, if you&#39;re a fan of the comic book series you should watch this show because it may have been the best attempt at Daredevil that we have seen as of yet. However if there is to be a season two like I read that there is going to be where they will introduce Bull&#39;s-eye and Elektra they need to fix the writing on the show in such a way that the actors can illustrate having some gravity. <br/><br/>Otherwise this will be a short lived franchise.

Yes, it takes place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) with such films as <a href="/title/tt0371746/">Iron Man (2008)</a>, <a href="/title/tt0458339/">Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)</a>, <a href="/title/tt0800080/">The Incredible Hulk (2008)</a>, and <a href="/title/tt0848228/">The Avengers (2012)</a>, as well as the TV shows <a href="/title/tt2364582/">Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013)</a> , <a href="/title/tt3475734/">Agent Carter (2015)</a> and <a href="/title/tt2357547/">Jessica Jones (2015)</a>. As well as upcoming series <a href="/title/tt3322314/">Luke Cage (2016)</a>, and <a href="/title/tt3322310/">Iron Fist (2017)</a>.<br/><br/>The show also makes several references to the Avengers film. Such as &quot;after new york was destroyed&quot;, or &quot;unless he has a suit of iron or a magic hammer&quot;.<br/><br/>Ben Urich&#39;s office also contains framed newspaper covers featuring the events in The Incredible Hulk and The Avengers. Season 1 has been confirmed to take place three years after The Battle of New York. Stick enlists Matt&#39;s help to destroy &quot;Black Sky,&quot; a weapon that the Japanese mafia, led by Fisk&#39;s associate Nobu, are bringing into New York. Matt agrees on the condition that Stick restrain himself from killing anyone, but Stick breaks his promise when it is revealed that Black Sky is a young boy being held in a shipping container with chains around his neck and limbs. Stick fails to kill Black Sky while at the docks with Matt, but later says he killed the boy further up the road. Stick does not go into detail but says that the boy was more than &quot;just a boy&quot; and that Matt would have sensed this had he not been emotional at the moment. Black Sky is not a term previously found Marvel Comics so there is no clear parallel to be found there at this time. What exactly the boy named Black Sky is and how exactly he is a weapon is not revealed as of the first season of Daredevil, and any fan theories are pure speculation. In season 2; Elektra is revealed to be the Black Sky. There has still been no confirmation on who or what the Black Sky actually is. a5c7b9f00b

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