The Big Bang Full Movie Hd 1080p

The Big Bang Full Movie Hd 1080p


The Big Bang Full Movie Hd 1080p

A private detective is hired to find a missing stripper, but the job turns complicated when everyone he questions ends up dead. From the mean streets of Los Angeles to the desolate desert of New Mexico, Cruz must contend with a brutal Russian boxer, three brash LAPD detectives, an aged billionaire looking for the Big Bang, and the billionaire's stunningly gorgeous wife. The solution to the mystery will cost ten lives, net thirty million dollars and just might explain everything.
SPOILER: The private detective from Los Angeles Ned Cruz is interrogated by LAPD Detectives Poley, Frizer, and Skeres. Cruz is blind after being hit on the face and asks many times whether "she is alive". Cruz explains to the detectives that after a lost case of his client and Hollywood star Adam Nova, he is tired, and returns to his office to rest. Out of the blue, the washed up boxer Anton "The Pro" Protopov comes to his office to hire him to find his missing girlfriend and former stripper Lexie Persimmon. Cruz recalls that five years ago, the Russian mobster Skinny Faddeev gave thirty million dollars in blood diamonds in advance to him to lose a fight against his nephew. However, Anton killed the nephew with one punch, and when Skinny was found dead, he was sentenced to life. While in prison, Lexie writes two hundred sixty letters to him and they fall in love. When a criminal confesses to the murder of Skinny, Anton is released, but he does not find Lexie. Ned Cruz starts the investigation and finds a lead that Lexie might be in San Celeritas, New Mexico. Cruz notes that a black Lincoln is following him, and he believes that the Russian mob is chasing him. However, he heads to the spot, and in the Planck's Constant Coffer, he has an affair with the waitress (Autumn Reeser) that helps him. After reading the letters, Cruz becomes obsessed with Lexie. When Cruz is invited to have dinner with the delusional millionaire Simon Kestral, he is introduced to his wife Julie Kestral and the physicist Niels Geck, and he believes he has resolved the case. However, nothing is what seems to be, and Cruz only discovers the truth when it is too late.
Some very good acting (especially from Sam Elliot), an unusual script filled with sometimes strangely funny references to cosmological and particle physics, and a jazzy style of direction lead to an inexpensive, yet engaging &quot;private detective&quot; story. Antonio Banderas&#39; Latin, fish-out-of-water accent (the detective) initially seems odd for such an iconic American role, but in short order, it just blends-in with the many other off-center characters and events that populate the film.<br/><br/>It&#39;s flaws are irrelevant and understandable considering its limited budget and shooting schedule; it&#39;s a refreshing hour and a half of entertaining stuff that smartly never takes itself too seriously.
With Antonio Banderas being the lead role, I was looking forward to watching this movie.<br/><br/>He was, however, the part that probably made this movie a huge failure. 90% of this movie is dialogue/narration, and a majority of that is by Banderas. The story itself may have some promise, but it&#39;s so difficult to follow because it&#39;s impossible to understand what Banderas is saying for most of the movie.<br/><br/>The movie supposedly has witty dialogue and clever punchlines, but because they&#39;re delivered by Banderas, you don&#39;t understand any of it. You hear &quot;mumble, mutter, accent on wrong word, pause at awkward part of the sentence, mumble&quot; followed by the characters on screen laughing at whatever it was that he just said.<br/><br/>At first, I would go back and rewatch with volume on high to hear what it was that he said, but after the first 30 minutes, I gave up.<br/><br/>Don&#39;t waste your time with this movie. You will just give yourself a headache.
The movie never rises above a style-over-substance exercise.

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