The Beyond Skyline Hindi Dubbed Free Download

The Beyond Skyline Hindi Dubbed Free Download


The Beyond Skyline Hindi Dubbed Free Download

Mark Corley is a Los Angeles police detective who visits his estranged teenage son, Trent, having landed in jail due to brawling just as an alien invasion begins and the entire population of the city is sucked into various spaceships by the blue light. Mark leads a group of surviving humans through the underground subway tunnels to try to escape from the various aliens. (Wikipedia)
A tough-as-nails detective embarks on a relentless pursuit to free his son from a nightmarish alien warship.
5/11/18. This is a decent creature feature with plenty of action. The simplistic plot is easy to follow so you can just concentrate on the fight scenes with CGI alien creatures, which were pretty cool. Actually not bad for a basically unknown movie, a guilty pleasure.
I didn't like the original Skyline movie very much, so it came as no surprise that I didn't like this one very much either - a muddled storyline, corny dialogue and the acting is nothing to write home about. It all gets a bit silly with long action sequences in which little blokes doing kung fu manage to somehow kick the crap out of 8 foot tall robots - the CGI isn't terrible and its pretty much action all the way through is about all I can say that's positive about it - you would probably find it "kewl" if you were 13 or 14.
Beyond Skyline is pretty fun, even if it’s completely nonsensical.

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