The Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged Me Full Movie Download In Hindi

The Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged Me Full Movie Download In Hindi


The Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Full Movie Download In Hindi

Dr. Evil uses a device he calls a "Time Machine" to travel back to 1969 and remove Austin Powers' mojo. The sexually wounded swinger must travel back in time and, with the help of agent Felicity Shagwell, recover his vitality. Meanwhile, Dr. Evil's personal life runs amok as he discovers love, continues to shun his son and develops a close relationship with himself. Well, actually, a clone 1/8 his size whom he dubs "Mini-Me". The always time-baffled Dr. Evil begins his plan to put a gigantic cannon on the moon, thus turning it into a device called either "The Death Star" or "Alan Parson's Project," depending on which name is available.
Dr. Evil returns from space just as British spy Austin Powers learns on his honeymoon that his wife is a fembot in Evil's control. Back on the singles scene, Powers discovers he's impotent because Evil has used a time machine to return to the late 60s and steal his libido. British intelligence also has a time portal, so Powers goes back to 1969 to recapture his mojo and, teaming with agent Felicity Shagwell, to stop another Evil plot to take over the world, this time with a "laser" beamed from the moon. Subplots involve Evil's son Scott's discovery of who his mother is, Evil's affection for a clone one-eighth his size, and the machinations of an obese Scot named Fat Bastard.
The concept was ok but hardly original. The acting was plastic. But the real spoiler was that there was only one joke and a grubby one at that. This is a film for fourteen year olds who have been let out on their own for the first time. Don't dare to watch it with your kids.
I love Mike Myers and the original Austin Powers, but Austin Powers 2 is a lousy mess of commercialized garbage. Shameless/pointless/tactless (take your pick) plugs and references permeate every scene, there's so much material that it has no focus, there's too much recycled and overused material from the first movie, it has poor scripting, poor editing, loose ends, hacked-up scenes and continuity, lame plot devices, and Myers simply can't do Austin like he used to. And why did they resort to bathroom humor and Jerry Springer? They got so carried away with the success of the first that they forgot what made it so great: subtlety. Like Wayne's World 2, Austin Powers 2 is contrived, slapstick comedy. High points? Rob Lowe's impersonation of Robert Wagner is dead on, and Heather Graham is fascinating as she straddles the boundary between wholesome and naughty. I give it two anvils.
Too much of what The Spy Who Shagged Me has to offer is tired and derivative, and, when the various jokes and gags are tallied, there are many more misses than hits.
2 essential explanations to this conundrum, firstly that Mrs Kensington is also a fembot and both were unaware of the fact that they weren't human until activated. However this poses the problem that both Vanessa and her mother actively help Austin against Dr Evil, Secondly that British Intelligence captured and reprogrammed the Vanessa fembot to help Austin and Mrs Kensington was just playing along to aid them. This means the real Vanessa is still out there whilst the robot Vanessa began to malfunction during the honeymoon allowing Dr Evil to reassert control. a5c7b9f00b

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