The Assault On Precinct 13 Full Movie Download In Hindi

The Assault On Precinct 13 Full Movie Download In Hindi


The Assault On Precinct 13 Full Movie Download In Hindi

A police sergeant must rally the cops and prisoners together to protect themselves on New Year's Eve, just as corrupt policeman surround the station with the intent of killing all to keep their deception in the ranks.
On New Year's Eve, inside a police station that's about to be closed for good, officer Jake Roenick must cobble together a force made up cops and criminals to save themselves from a mob looking to kill mobster Marion Bishop.
Title: Assault on Precinct 13 <br/><br/>Condensed Storyline: A police officer must get police and prisoners to unite and fight together to stop corrupt cops who are trying to capture one of the prisoners who would incriminate all he corrupt police. <br/><br/>Notable Acting: I cannot take Laurence Fishburne seriously when I see he playing a gangster, as much as I like the actor and liked him in this movie, I feel that someone else would have been better, such as Jamie Fox or another actor or that sorts. Ethan Hawke plays the believable police Sargent who is left in the precinct under fire. Everyone else decent, not all too believable for some as they did act like they knew they were going to be killed off in the movie, so it made it harder for me to like them. <br/><br/>Noticeable Camera work: Reverse mirror shot for when Jake is washing his face and looking in the mirror and the camera takes over by only showing his reflection Birds eye view of the prison transport container leaving God damn shaky cam in the break in scene<br/><br/>Overall Feel: This is one of those films which I like because of it&#39;s subtle political message, this has, does and always will happen in some police or governmental force somewhere in the world. Similar to &#39;Enemy of the State&#39; this is realistic to an extent as this sort of thing can and does happen. The acting in the movie is good, the plot is slightly predictable but great to watch regardless along with its few twists and turns in the movie. Amazing action thriller, a step above and beyond the 76 movie of the same name. There isn&#39;t much else to write about the movie, as it is a good action thriller inside and out with a semi-realistic plot.
This film was much better than I had expected, being a big fan of the original. In this version, instead of a street gang attacking the precinct we have corrupted cops trying to preserve their own freedom. The action is plentiful, but it didn&#39;t seem to pack the same punch as it&#39;s predecessor (no ice cream scene in this one, sorry). Most of the actors seemed to be going through the motions, but Ethan Hawke did a really good job in the lead role as did Lawrence Fishburne. Gabriel Byrne just seemed misused here. I think the reason the movie didn&#39;t do very well at the box office was it&#39;s a remake of a film that&#39;s rather obscure .But the film&#39;s saving grace was the action and the atmosphere. For that and that alone, I&#39;ll give this movie a 6/10. A decent remake, worth renting on DVD but not worth owning.
The differences between the two Assaults--the new one's pretty good, the old one near great--are of tone, style and perspective.

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