

Telegram X ChangeLog

Telegram X for Android is an alternative Telegram client based on Telegram Database Library (TDLib) and optimized for 64-bit devices. All data transfer, file download and upload are significantly faster compared to regular Android app.

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ChangeLog For Telegram X Android

STABLE: [03 Dec'19]

BETA: [16 Nov'19]

BETA: [14 Oct'19]

New header in profiles. View long chat titles. Bugfixes.


1. Updated TDLib

2. Replaced few legacy icons with vector ones

3. New header in profiles

4. Ability to view long chat titles in profiles


1. Weird sizes in web previews after changing screen resolution

2. Weird sizes in selection media counter after changing screen resolution

3. Small placeholder in non-contacts list

4. Crash when trying to open secret chat locked by passcode

5. Crash when trying to paste formatted multi-line content into bio field

6. Apply button presses automatically when multi-line content gets pasted in bio field

7. Titles of chats in global messages search may become green if there is secret chat in search results

8. RTL text overlays icons in the chats list

9. Both link title (web preview) and link text (message) are clickable at certain position of the message at the same time

10. Sometimes trimmed text disappears at all (this affects many places, including chats list)

11. Several issues related to text trimming in the profile header

12. Other bugfixes

BETA: [05 Oct'19]

- Fixed wrong color in members list.

BETA: [05 Oct'19]

Added separate theme color for chats list icons. More emoji support. Bugfixes.


1. Saved Messages icon in Settings header

2. Saved Messages icon when previewing the account chats list

3. Saved Messages icon in Admins filter in recent actions

4. Placeholder doesn't update in chat screen title when chat title / user name changes

5. When archiving / deleting from archive sticker sets while on Settings > Stickers > Archive, list does not get updated

6. After archiving sticker set in settings > stickers, it's not possible to delete it from archive too without re-entering the screen

7. When manipulating with archived sticker set, its state on trending section doesn't get updated

8. Problem when typing/action text overlays the animated icon should be fixed

Emoji Support

1. Header subtitle in media viewer, Storage Usage, Network usage screens

2. Contacts list

3. Shared groups

4. Storage usage > chats (titles, placeholders)

5. Website sessions

6. Blocked Users

7. Secret Chat Passcode Lock

8. Encryption key

9. Sticker Pack name

10. Shared Link placeholders

11. Multi-line inline results placeholders

12. Group/Channel members placeholders

13. Share menu title

14. Placeholders in messages

15. Promoted by/restricted by/banned by on member list and restriction screen


1. Added separate theme color for chats list icons

BETA: [05 Oct'19]

Emoji display support everywhere, chats list rework, shared media counters, and more.

Features and Changes:

1. Shared Media counters when tabs are attached to the header

2. Reworked and improved text rendering. This affects chats list, link previews, shared links, inline results, etc.

3. Emoji display support in texts everywhere within the app

4. Formatting support in pinned messages

5. Links in pinned message preview are now clickable (both tap & long-press)

6. Counters are now demi-bold in most places

7. Changed input text selection background color in Night Blue theme

8. Unified avatar placeholders rendering: now they follow the same 

9. Crossed bell emoji in notifications when sender has explicitly disabled sound

10. Many minor changes and improvements on the way

11. Improved censorship circumvention

12. Protection in couple places against vertical utf characters

-Chats List

13. Three-lines chats list style

14. Option to select between different chat styles (currently available: 2-line, 3-line, and 3-line with bigger text)

15. Formatting support

16. Media and forwarded messages icons

17. Unified message preview text with notifications

18. Game name is now displayed in the chats list

19. Pinned message is now displayed in the chats list like regular message with special icon

20. Album captions or number of media within an album is displayed now in the chats list

-Region Selector (phone number screen)

20. When tapping region, it gets fully selected for convenience

21. When tapping region for the first time, you will see full list of regions instead of the single search result

22. Slightly improved region search algorithm

Known issues

1. RTL text + icon in the chats list gets messed up

2. Sometimes action text (typing, uploading, etc) is displayed under the animated icon

Possible bugs

1. Saved Messages placeholder is used instead of the full name for the current user, where it is not intended to be, or vice versa

2. New RTL-related issues outside messages or IV, excluding the one mentioned above. If you find several of them, please collect them in the list, and then report to the group.


1. Avatar in drawer: solid line glitch on the right side of it

2. Avatar in drawer: when switching to the account with avatar, its radius may get stuck on non-zero value

3. Duplicate location message when stopping live location from message menu

4. Rudimentary option to send Live Location in secret chats which does not work

5. Can't switch slideshow to previous position in IVs (back swipe intercepts)

6. Send link with media (e.g. telegram or instagram slideshow), try to open media without reopening the chat, animation won't work (simple cross-fade)

7. "Loading user..." in replies to an auto-forwarded channel message in a group

8. Crash when parsing certain texts

9. TDLib: after performing storage usage cleanup, chats list is missing until re-entering the sreen

10. TDLib: several crashes

11. Missing ellipsis character in trimmed link previews, shared links, etc

12. Fixed character loss + overall break in the text render engine when end of prev part does not match the start of the next one and this gap includes a newline

13. Header bottom bar text may slightly touch the fast forward icon

14. Links or lines are not clickable at all in the text viewer (e.g.

15. Flag emojies in avatar placeholders get converted into alphabet

16. Specific case when text may exceed its maximum bounds

17. Chat title in the chats list overlaps the ticks icon

... + more


1. Replaced Default with LedDefault on Customize Notifications screen

2. Separate string for support accounts when it's online

3. Separate string for game invites in groups

STABLE: [20 Sep'19]

BETA: [20 Sep'19]

Improved link previews. Started instant view rework.

- Improved link previews with external media

- IV opens fully by default

- IV can be closed by swipe

- Links inside IV open without prompt (in IV, when possible)

- Option to "Open In..." while viewing link in Instant View

- When you generate IV via custom template (, all links inside such IV will be opened with the corresponding template, if possible.

- Made embeds in Instant View usable


- Text may be hidden under the image in link previews (long site name or big text sizes)

- Memory leak that could force app to be in the fullscreen (until restart)

- Eliminated many IV-related bugs, including app freezes

- Some photos display in low resolution

- Improved twitter video link preview

- Fixed "Use system fonts" setting

- Fixed crash when playinc flac

- Fixed white header in IV when using dark themes

BETA: [16 Sep'19]

- Still preview for animated sticker notifications


- Incorrect switch camera icon when recording video message with "Start with rear-facing camera" enabled

- Sticker menu in inline results is not visible when keyboard is open

- "View Pack" for stickers in inline results does not work

- Notification does not display if it contains animated sticker

BETA: [15 Sep'19]

Minor changes and bugfixes.

- Updated dependencies

- Updated built-in translations

- Site name in link previews is now clickable (long-press for copy)

- Animated sticker preview now pauses all background gifs and stickers

- Prompt when closing chat with unsaved message changes

Improved swipe back logic on the chat screen:

- Swipe back is disabled when editing a message (this prevents accidental loss of the edited message)

- Swipe back is disabled on the input field (this prevents accidental swipes when trying to select text)

- Fixed: keyboard closes when it does not need to in saved messages

- Fixed: swipe back works when trying to scroll back sticker suggestions

- Fixed: swipe back does not work when emoji/stickers keyboard is closed


- Fixed animated stickers on Android 4.3

- Fixed several crashes related to animated stickers

- Optimized single-frame animated stickers

- Keyboard closes in Saved Messages when not needed

Improved position calculation in several places (report if something has broken on specific device / android version):

- Fixed incorrect open/close animation location for stickers: keyboard, sticker suggestions and settings > stickers > trending

- Fixed incorrect positioning of controls while recording voice or video message

Updated TDLib

- Improved sorting of recently used stickers in sticker suggestions

- Fixed crashes and other bugfixes

BETA: [05 Sep'19]

- Fixed missing sticker suggestions while using emoji suggestions

- Fixed align of icons in settings cells

- Fixed "Have no rights to send a message" while playing game

- Fixed non-circular image preview for documents in link previews

- Fixed missing notifications after using "Erase All Data": after an update is required to either use "Erase All Data" again, or "Drop hidden notification identifiers" in the testing utilities

- Fixed subtitle overlaps on storage cleanup screen

- Fixed duplicate messages when forwarding to "Saved Messages"

- Improved notifications reliability

Updated TDLib

- Improved sorting recent sticker suggestions

- Fixed media needs to be redownloaded after forwarding it

- Fixed "Invalid number" when using links

- Fixed MTProto-proxy links / sharing

- Other bugfixes and improvements

BETA: [28 Aug'19]

Updated TDLib

- Fixed crash: request.dialog_id == dialog_id.

- Fixed sending games from bots

- Minor changes and other fixes

BETA: [27 Aug'19]

- Animated stickers

- Chat Permissions: control which actions can be performed only by admins or any member

- View Admins & Chat Permissions in any groups

- Added Use Less Data for Calls > While Roaming option

- New sticker sets covers

- Open profile who promoted or restricted specific member

- Chat members join date

- Chat permissions change & poll stop event in Recent Actions

- No Link Preview above input field when corresponding permission is missing

- Prompts when trying to use inline bot, record audio/video message, send GIF/sticker, but corresponding permission is missing

- Blocked input when messages are restricted in the group

- Edit group title, photo and description, when corresponding right is available

- Unified group settings: now there's no visual difference between basic and super groups

- Automatic group upgrade when performing some action that cannot be performed with basic group

- In-app update suggestion

- Screen resolution change support (previously required force closing the app otherwise everything looked bad)

- Notched device support (animation fixes, better fullscreen, etc)

- Removed duplicate status bar when using split screen (this actually was more difficult than it sounds like)

- Better overlay color calculation (transparent backgrounds used for e.g. dates, times, etc above the chat wallpaper)

- Reworked wallpapers logic internally (painfuly migrated to Backgrounds 2.0 API, but for now visually only new wallpapers added)

- Improved default wallpaper switching logic

- Option to embed any wallpaper to custom themes

- High-res thumbnails support

- Built-in thumbnail support: new media should always have low-res thumbnail (no empty placeholders)

- Internal work on video streaming

- and more.

Just updated JoyPixels (EmojiOne) emoji set.

If you are using it and wish to update, simply switch to any other emoji set, then back to JoyPixels in Settings – Themes and Chats – Emoji Set. No app update needed.

Comparison with the previous version:

STABLE: [01 Jun'19]

Telegram X is now available in Hungarian.

- Supported channel messages in groups (messages, chats list, notifications)

- links open in browser

- Improved welcome screen after signing up & importing contacts

- Downgraded libtgvoip to 2.4.4 in beta track (same as in stable)

- Fixed crash after finishing call

Updated TDLib

- Channel messages in groups

- Fixed crashes

Updated TDLib

- Potentially fixed messages syncing issue

- Fixed "Requested data is inaccessible" in stickers archive, when all of sticker sets are banned

- Fixed couple other bugs

- Fixed two internal crashes

- In-app browser is used for links as well, when enabled

- Updated TDLib: fixed crashed

BETA: [14 May'19]

- Updated libtgvoip back to 2.5 (2.4.4 on stable track)

STABLE: [14 May'19]

BETA: [04 May'19]

STABLE: [26 Apr'19]

BETA: RC [25 Apr'19]

BETA: RC [25 Apr'19]

- Just increased version number for internal purposes

BETA: RC [25 Apr'19]

- Improved logging for debugging rare stuck "Checking for new messages" issue.

BETA: RC [25 Apr'19]

- Added new Storage Usage fields: Settings and Themes, Localizations, Drawings and Junk Files.

- Slightly improved look of Data and Storage, Storage Usage and Network Usage screens

- Option to show all chats on Storage Usage screen, when there are too many of them

- Hint when using Erase All Data that it does not affect other accounts.

BETA: RC [25 Apr'19]

- Log files in Settings > Data and Storage > Storage Usage

- Hint when trying to clear Local Database

- App change log is now sent only to active account after you get connected to Telegram

- Improved animations in the app menu when current user data has been changed (photo, name, phone)


- Fixed crash when trying to open some IV2.0 links, which are not supported

- Fixed missing avatar in app menu after signing in

- Fixed incorrectly shown notification text when someone joins public supergroup ("Returned to the group")

- Fixed lock button is displayed as unlocked when instant auto-lock enabled

- Fixed incorrect connection state detection while initializing the app

- Fixed empty string while deleting both non-revokable & revokable messages

There'll probably be one last Storage Usage screen improvement that will help saving even more disk space. But probably not. No other changes are planned.

BETA: RC [25 Apr'19]

- When you terminate Telegram X session from another device, all downloaded media will be erased as well. When Google Play Services are installed, Telegram X and TDLib will do its best to remove all data without need in opening the app once the device goes online.

This might be helpful in case your device is lost or stolen. You never know when this might happen, so be sure to keep Telegram X up-to-date.

Note this does not yet apply to media files which have been copied through "Save to Gallery/Downloads/Music" button;

- Improved push subscription. All beta users will be resubscribed to notifications after updating to this version as well.

- Fixed several log-in/log-out bugs

- Fixed polls can't be forwarded without re-entering the chat

- Updated TDLib: minor bugfixes

FYI about Erase All Data.

When you use "erase all data", alongside secret chats and downloaded media, only few settings are lost (complete list below). It affects only the account you are using it from. No data is erased on other accounts.

Always use this feature instead of logging out / signing in back. Logging out/logging in back now has no benefits at all, never do it.

Here's the list of what's deleted and can't be recovered:

- All secret chats

- Mentions/pinned message notification settings are reset to default

- Info about used hashtags

- Info about used inline bots

- Active live locations

- Bot keyboards in many groups

- Information about imported contacts (they'll be re-imported again, not a big deal)

- All incomplete active requests (e.g. unsent & failed outgoing messages)

- All shown notifications (they hide automatically once you perform this action)

If none above is essential for you, feel free to use this feature periodically.

BETA: RC [20 Apr'19]

- internal bugfixes

BETA: RC [20 Apr'19]

- unreleased feature support

- when erasing data, notifications will be hidden and assocciated data with them will be erased as well

- more crash fixes

Updated TDLib

- Media won't be erased when deleting message in Saved Messages & still yet having access to the original message

- Supported SESSION_REVOKE push

- Internal improvements

BETA: RC [20 Apr'19]

- When killing tgx session from the other device, downloaded media will be erased.

BETA: RC [20 Apr'19]

Erase local data without logging out. Bugfixes.

- Added Settings > Data and Storage > Storage Usage > Erase All Data. This allows doing full data reset (including "Local Database") without logging out. To track "Optimize Database" feature status, use this (

- Improved bulk notifications

- Improved application open speed on Android N+

- Fixed opening files & sharing them externally when using many accounts ("Application to open this file not found")

- Fixed crash while fetching proxies from the corrupted database

- Fixed crash when current user data is unavailable

- Fixed several crashes previously hidden by internal data cache bug

- Fixed channels being categorised as groups

- Fixed background battery drain bug when app enters certain state

BETA: RC [20 Apr'19]

- Fixed crash during log-out

BETA: RC [20 Apr'19]

 - When logging out, all downloaded media will be erased.

BETA: RC [20 Apr'19]

- Reply from the notification waits for the message to get fully delivered

- Fixed: missing profile avatar in drawer after signing in / clearing profile photos (visible only after restarting the app)

- Fixed: crash while resuming the app

- Fixed: TDLib being killed during sign out process

- Fixed: internal data cache bug that caused many potential crashes & bugs

- Fixed: ANR while performing some background work

Updated TDLib

- Bugfixes

- Added Testing Utilities > TDLib Database Statistics for debugging purposes

BETA: RC [17 Apr'19]

Exact log-in & access time in the sessions list. Removed warning when system data sync disabled. Warning when Google Play Services unavailable. Bugfixes and little improvements.

- Improved sessions info: logged in date + exact usage time + copy button

- When Google Play Services available, app will no longer ask to turn on data sync

- Warning when Google Play Services are unavailable (not installed, outdated, disabled, etc)

- SGS10: Improved network status & chat preview

- Separate task in recent list for in-app browser

- Improved forwards displaying in Saved Messages from hidden accounts

- Thin font for hidden accounts in forwarded messages

- Original message date in Saved Messages

- Fixed: crash when clicking IV2.0 links with "Open in Instant View" set to "All links"

Updated TDLib

- Fixed: media gets reloaded after editing caption

- Fixed: pinned message notification does not disappear after the restart

- Refactored forward infos

- Updated notifications push contents scheme

BETA: RC [14 Apr'19]

Better processing of audio files shared from other apps. Bugfixes.

Updated TDLib

- Fixed: Pinned message notification does not disappear after reading it


- Improved sharing audio files from other apps

- Fixed: "Unsupported media type" when sharing files from other apps with some names

- Removed "GIF" prefix from the notification, when there's caption

BETA: RC [14 Apr'19]

2FA email verification by code. Notification improvements. Bugfixes.

- Option to revoke messages, when selected both non-revocable and revocable messages at the same time

- Revoke messages disabled by default, when all of selected messages are incoming

- 2FA email verification by code

- Improved notifications displaying: notification internal content update will no longer trigger notification rebuild. (this resulted in many device-specific issues, e.g. on Samsung devices notification pop-up disappeared too fast, notification displayed twice on Edge Screen, etc)

- Improved some error messages

Fixed Issues

- 400 error when sharing videos/GIFs from other apps to TGX

- 2FA: UI does not update after entering email verification code

- 2FA: No toast when pressing "Resend code"

- When opening chat, sometimes messages that are invisible on screen get read

- When reading messages in a chat where there are a lot of them, too many messages may get read

- Log out, log in again with different account, data from the old account is shown in the app drawer.

- Some other issues on 2FA setup

Updated TDLib

- Option to delete call messages on both sides

- Silent broadcast notifications now will always be silent

- Fixed crashes

- Improved logging

BETA: [11 Apr'19]

Online statuses in the chats list. More notifications improvements. Bugfixes.

- Supported latest TDLib Notifications API changes

- Online statuses on the chats list

Fixed Issues

- Duplicate avatars on "Recent Actions" admins selector (avatar of the current account, in fact)

- Unsupported notificaiton for music messages

- Displaying 

Updated TDLib

- Added media information inside corresponding pushes, when available

- Fixed issue when mention gets stuck after reading from another device

- Fixed issue when notification actions do not work visually (this caused e.g.: "reply" gets stuck, but sends a message. "mark as read" marks messages as read but does not remove notifications)

- Other notifications bugfixes


- Separate toast message when copying link to a private message / post

- Changed online status color (share menu, suggested contacts, etc) to green by default

Regarding rectangle avatars inside notifications on Android Pie (previously marked as resolved): if you still see this issue please report this issue again with the full device / system information. e.g. "Android 9" is not enough, since this issue does not affect all Android Pie devices.

BETA: [10 Apr'19]

Improved notifications styles for certain message types. Notifications shouldn't get stuck when chatting on another device. More fixes.


- Optimizing Database screen after updating the app (you may see it when you update from the current stable version)

- Improved notifications: all kinds of service messages, highscore messages, 

- Supported remaining few unsupported push contents

- Core changes to image caching/displaying

Fixed Issues

- Crash while trying to open secret chat profiles

- Gray placeholders instead of profile pics in the app menu accounts list

- Gray placeholders instead of profile pics in the chats list until you scroll the list

- Out-of-screen bubble time position for 1px stickers on the sender side (they deserved it though)

- "Remove for X" is displayed for Bots & Saved Messages

- empty title on storage usage screen for deleted accounts

- account name instead of "Saved Messages" is displayed on storage usage screen

- Problems with images after clearing storage on Storage Usage screen

- Some crashes arrived from Google Play

Updated TDLib

- Supported last server changes to push notifications

- Notifications should no longer get stuck, when app is in the background, but you chat from the other device

- Fixed crashes and bugs

Only few tricky things remaining to go stable. Still not RC, because could have broken smth with core changes to image displaying.

BETA: [07 Apr'19]

Links for messages in private channels / supergroups. Bugfixes.


- Copy Link for private channel & supergroup messages

- Supported new link format:{channel_id}/{msg_id} + tg://privatepost?channel={channel_id}&msg_id={msg_id}


- Inline results may stop showing (this includes mention suggestions, hastags, etc)

- LED customization per-chat does not work

- Visible inline results overlay shared media in Saved Messages

- Round Video playing in saved messages overlays shared media

- TDLib under-reference while managing Live Location

- Crash when there's some hardware error while trying to record voice message

- Improperly displayed "Enabled" notification status in profiles, when notifications are disabled globally

- Incorrect time position for stickers with very small width in the bubble mode

- Record layout (voice/round video) may get misaligned

- Fixed media viewer item filtering


- Improved video sending: it will no longer fail and will not exceed original video file size, when possible

- Improved error message when video fails to compress (e.g. unsupported video format + changed orientation / etc)


- Improved resuming app from the background

- Some internal refactoring

- Changed clear cache icon on log out screen

BETA: [03 Apr'19]

Seems to be the last critical crash being killed.

- Resolved crash that happened randomly on Android versions below 6.0 (usually while the app was in the background)

- Fixed: non-bold text in dropdown header's swipe menu after changing language

- Fixed: non-visible dropdown header's swipe menu items can be selected

- Increased min-width for header's swipe menu, improved position calculation

BETA: [03 Apr'19]

Updated TDLib

- Fixed few more crashes, added more debug for unresolved issues


- Fixed crash when trying to resume app on supergroup edit screen

- Fixed rare crash while launching TDLib

- You will find this one immediately after updating

BETA: [03 Apr'19]

- Fixed crash while trying to display certain notification types for groups

- Improved pinned message notification

BETA: [03 Apr'19]

- Error notification when TDLib failed to launch & receiving push from server

Updated TDLib

- Improved notifications reliability

- Fixed most crashes, including most popular ones, is_inserted and other crashes.

- Improved push content support

BETA: [03 Apr'19]

- Fixed incorrect auto-download restrict size calculation

- Fixed crash when current user information is temporarily unavailable

- Fixed TDLib log clearing

- Fixed another crash while managing TDLib lifecycle

- Fixed crash: while playing video message press back button on main screen, try to re-open app

- Recovery Screen on the next app launch after it fails to launch due to ejected or read-only SD card / storage error.

- TDLib log size on TDLib log screen now updates automatically

- Workaround for OEM contacts permissions bug on Redmi Note 5 Pro, which caused app to crash

- Fixed rare crash on lowend devices

- Fixed crash Firebase Test Lab bots encountered

BETA: [01 Apr'19]

- Improved notifications reliability

- Improved image cache

- Fixed rare crash while finishing audio playback

- Fixed rare crash while navigating & playing some video messages

- Fixed white line in media viewer while using some light custom themes

BETA: [01 Apr'19]

Updated TDLib:

- Notifiations won't reappear after dismissing them

- Groups in Common list updates now more often (once number changes and once in an hour)

- Push notifications handling improvements

- Separated inline resutls cache for channels / other chats

- Empty chats no longer affect badge counter

- Fixed crash

- Added debug info for some unresolved crashes

BETA: [01 Apr'19]

- Another TDLib lifecycle management fix

BETA: [01 Apr'19]

- Crash fixes for users with custom themes

- Fixed streaming for voice messages (it 'snow available for 1mb+ voice messages, like in previous versions)

- Fixed crash while managing TDLib lifecycle

- Fixed must-not-be-named-feature while playing music

- Fixed Keep Media setting

- Fixed incorrect automatic storage clearing file size limit

- Other crash fixes

BETA: [01 Apr'19]

Only fixed crashes and bugs

Also fixed several bugs on a very old "Add to Group" screen, such as:

- When you receive messages in other types of chats, they get displayed anyway

- If there are too few groups in the beginning of the main chats list, loading progress may get stuck.

- And some else.

BETA: [01 Apr'19]

Redesigned internal application architecture from scratch. Reliable notifications and lower battery usage. Rolling out for 100% users (yolo).


- Dramatically improved notifications reliability.

- Reduced battery and network usage in the background

- Reduced multi-account resource usage. Even if you use 10+ accounts, everything should work as smooth as if you'd have only one account.

- Improved application launch speed

- Must-not-be-named-feature. Don't tell anyone about it, or it will disappear.

- Notifications now will work even if system restricts network access in the background

- Improved Passcode: Instant Auto-Lock, Allow read-only notifications, hold lock button to enter Passcode settings

- If application crashes on launch, next time you launch the app, it will show the recovery screen with a guide how to get the issue fixed.

BETA: [17 Mar'19]

See "online" instead of "seen recently" after user sends you a message, types, or reads your messages. Fixed more crashes and bugs.

Updated TDLib

- Fixed "Files need to be downloaded again after app or phone restart" on certain devices (FYI it is an Android's bug that needed workaround). If you still experience this issue (without additional steps such as re-login) – submit report again.

- See "online" for a short period of time after user types/sends you a message or reads your messages, if their online status is unavailable.

- Improved connection balancing

- Fixed "is_fixed" and other crashes

- Bugfixes


- Improved image memory cache

- Reduced x86_64 APK size

- Removed no longer used components (slightly reduced APK size as a result)

- Updated libtgvoip to the latest commit (7b62334 (

- Updated ExoPlayer to 2.9.6, okhttp to 3.14.0

- [Android 4.3 and below] Updated bundled webp to 1.0.2


- Crash while trying to add account that was previously used on tgx, but not yet fully logged out

- [Android 9.0 and above] Crash while trying to view live location map

- Crash while trying to save edited changes in profiles

- Rare crash on chat screen

BETA: [15 Mar'19]


- Resolved several crashes

- Improved error reporting for database failures

- Improved database test


- ANR in some cases when receiving a push notification while app is closed 

- Duplicate "Installed" section in languages list

- Incorrect order of languages

- Incorrect plural rules are applied for custom & beta languages after application restart

BETA: [13 Mar'19]

Updated TDLib

- Mention suggestions and chat members search now work properly

- Fixed online member count in large chats

- Fixed crash, when forwarding polls to chats where they are prohibited

- Fixed other crashes

App Changes

- Fixed crashes

BETA: [13 Mar'19]

- If you experience issues with some settings being lost (e.g. adding proxy – restarting app – added proxy is missing), please do Settings – Hold app version – Logs – Testing Utilities – Test database, then follow instructions. You can test database even if you don't have issues with it, it would be useful too.

- Added more asserts (crashes). This is needed in order to improve quality and kill certain bugs in future builds. Kindly be ready to encounter them. If crashes in beta are unacceptable for you, kindly do not update just yet or switch to production version.

- Fixed crashes

- Internal core changes related to database

- Improved crash reporting (internally) for certain kinds of issues in order to resolve them faster.

- Changing language now works properly in all versions. This does not require updating to and affects previous versions as well.

Updated TDLib:

- Fixed crashes

- Fixed updating poll when voting

- Improved group & channel members counters (both total & online)

BETA: [12 Mar'19]

- Updated libtgvoip to 2.4.4

- Fixed forwarding messages to secret chats

- Fixed poll does not update if changed by server immediately after sending

- [Probably] Fixed crash on pre-Oreo devices when using custom file for notification sound

- [Probably] Fixed missing badge counter near app icon

- Replaced some critical warning messages with asserts (crashes) for beta version. By crashing the app & sending feedback you help resolving the issue faster.

- Internal changes related to notifications when app is closed

- Switching language will work in this version, but will still produce an error. Sharing as XML and some other features for translators may not work properly, until this error will disappear.

BETA: [11 Mar'19]

- Progress when choosing poll option

- Added internal experiments related to how app works in the background 

- Fixed broken network detection

- Fixed crash during call

- Fixed crash while working with database

- Fixed chat members list loading

- Other bugfixes

Warning: changing language temporarily will not work at all. This will be resolved on the server side without need in the app update.

Updated TDLib:

- Fixed all crashes of the previous version

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