Teens Masturbation Self

Teens Masturbation Self


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8 Reasons Why Everyone Should Masturbate
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We've already talked about the absurd history that has led to the stigma surrounding masturbation. Though all of those outdated, negative myths about masturbation are false, they still persist, which sends the message that self-love is somehow bad, and maybe even bad for you.
Of all sex-related topics, masturbation is the one that parents are more uncomfortable discussing with their kids (and so they either avoid it or present it in a very negative light), and even doctors stay away from this topic when talking about sex.
All this negativity rubs off on all people of all gender identities, but especially on girls. Research shows that among U.S. teens ages 14-17, about 25% of boys and about 50% of girls have never masturbated, and even more have not done it in the past month: 50% of boys and 75% of girls. And many teens, both those who do and do not masturbate, frequently feel guilt and shame around this practice.
The reality is, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with masturbating. In fact, it can have a number of positive benefits for people of all genders. Here are just 8 reasons why more people should masturbate.
The most obvious benefit of masturbation is that our brains and bodies are wired in a way that makes touching yourself feel good, and having an orgasm feel amazing. This is a simple biological reality, and is true even before we hit puberty and become sexually aware — this is why many children masturbate from the moment they are born, all through puberty, and beyond.
In addition to sexual pleasure, people frequently report masturbation can be a good tool for coping with stress, releasing general tension, or insomnia. It may also help alleviate headaches or menstrual cramps, improve the muscle tone in your pelvic area (which comes in very handy for preventing urinary leakage later in life), reduces risk of prostate cancer, and flushes out toxins and bacteria.
Unlike partnered sex, there are absolutely zero risks of sexually transmitted infections or unwanted pregnancy when you’re having sex with yourself. (As long as you’re not using other people’s used sex toys to masturbate with.)
Many teens, and people in general, who feel sexual desire can’t find a partner or don’t necessarily feel ready to have partnered sex. Masturbation is the best and safest way to take care of your sexual needs without having to engage in the more emotionally and socially complex aspects of sexual and romantic relationships.
It can serve as a source of sexual empowerment.
Masturbating teaches people what they like sexually and how they like their bodies touched. It teaches you that your body can serve as a source of pleasure and that you have a right to feel that kind of pleasure. Seriously, enjoy it. In a world that teaches girls sexual passivity, this is a particularly important lesson to learn. Indeed, girls who have more positive views of masturbation tend to feel more in control of their sexuality and have better body image.
Makes for better feeling (partnered) sex.
Unsurprisingly, increased comfort with your body and sexuality translates into better feeling partnered sex. The more you know how to please yourself, the easier you can tell/show a partner how to make your body feel good. And if you masturbate by yourself, you’re also much more likely to give yourself a hand during partnered sex, which is correlated with a much higher chance of having an orgasm, as well as partners who are happy you are confident and comfortable with your body.
May protect against sexual difficulties later in life.
Knowing what feels good and feeling comfortable with your body become more important when you get older. In one study, women who said they started masturbating in adolescence reported more frequent orgasms during partnered sex and fewer difficulties getting aroused as adults than women who did not masturbate as teens.
There are no negative side effects of moderate masturbation.
Despite all the horror stories you may have heard, masturbating will not cause blindness, insanity, hairy palms, acne, infertility, or any of the other myths that have been proven false by actual science. The only thing it may lead to is a sense of guilt and shame if you’ve been taught that masturbation is wrong. In which case, it’s really not masturbation’s fault, and the solution is to overcome those negative beliefs.
Wait, you just said “moderate” — what about excessive masturbation? Does that have side effects? Well, think of it this way: Too much of a good thing can certainly become a bad thing. Regular physical exercise is one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental health, yet too much exercise can lead to injuries, exhaustion, depression, and chronically elevated stress hormone levels. Water is essential to our survival, but drink too much of it, and it can kill you.
Self-pleasure is no different. Overdo it day after day, and you may find yourself experiencing fatigue, pelvic pain, lower back pain... You may also get so used to the specific way you touch yourself, that you won’t find as pleasurable the ways a partner may touch you.
Ok, so, how much is too much? There is no clear cut-off point, but it’s actually less about how many times you do it, and more about how you do it and how it affects your life. If you’re masturbating so often that you don’t have time to get your (school) work done, hang out with your friends, devote time to your romantic partners, or engage in other hobbies, this may indicate some underlying issue, like depression, anxiety, or self-esteem problems, and you might talk to a trusted adult or mental health professional about this.
But, while excessive masturbation is possible, it is rare. The vast majority of people who feel any kind of sexual desire would undoubtedly benefit from the occasional self-service.
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May is National Masturbation Month, and we're celebrating with Feeling Yourself, a series exploring the finer points of self-pleasure.
Masturbating, like ice cream, comes in many different flavors.
Since getting off doesn't require another person, the possibilities of where, when, and how you do it are seemingly endless. Sometimes it's an unexpected endeavor and other times it's a planned event.
The good thing is is that you get to be in control of your own nut, and — with a few exceptions like work and social acceptance — you can get it whenever you want. Even if you have a partner, sometimes it's just better to take matters into your own hand.
Without further adieu, here are some various forms of masturbation:
Sometimes, Netflix gets stale and all that's left to do is chill. And by chill I mean masturbate. On those occasions when the Instagram Explore page is no longer worth scrolling, explore yourself instead.
Turn your phone off and get off. Credit: Getty Images / PhotoAlto/Odilon Dimier
This is the kind of masturbation that happens on a whim. One moment you're watching Killing Eve, and the next you're humping the couch. Nothing in particular spurs the sudden moment of horniness, but once it's arisen, it's got to be dealt with.
Well, I guess it's time. Credit: Getty Images / EyeEm
Perhaps one of the best atmospheres for fondling oneself is in an empty apartment or house. You can be as loud and unabashed as you want.
Ah yes, the perfect opportunity to , uh, juggle your fruit Credit: Getty Images / fluxfactory
Having roommates is a total ball buster when you're trying to bust your balls. They don't need to stop you from pleasuring yourself, though. Just tell them you're taking a nap. Or use the old sock-on-the-doorknob trick. Getting your nut while the roomies are in the next room can be stressful, but it doesn't mean it's impossible.
Get out! Leave! Right now! Credit: Getty Images / yacobchuk
According to Planned Parenthood, masturbating can be a huge stress reliever. While it might be difficult to get in the mood while you're having a panic attack, it may help extinguish said panic. Big test? Masturbate! Job interview? Masturbate!
No idea what she's doing under the table but it definitely feels anxious. Credit: Getty Images / Tom Fullum
With the rise of legal weed, it's no surprise that many indulge in masturbating while stoned. According to Vice, there's strong evidence that cannabis does indeed make for a more powerful orgasm. So puff, puff, pass-turbate.
Alexa, order me some CBD lube, please. Credit: Getty Images / EyeEm Premium
If your partner is down, masturbating mutually can be an exciting experience. It gives both parties a chance to show off how they tickle their pickles. Plus, it could bring you and your partner closer— literally. Like the Beatles once said: "Come together, right now!"
It takes two! Credit: Getty Images / Portra images
Why settle for a glass of warm milk when you could just get off instead? Nothing inspires a night of delicious dreaming like an orgasm before dozing off.
Masturbating > melatonin Credit: Getty Images / Colin Anderson Productions pty ltd
Masturbating first thing in the morning can be choice, especially after having a particularly spicy dream.
It's time! To masturbate. Credit: Getty Images / YakobchukOlena
Given the wet and private nature of showers, they're a reliable spot for masturbating. And you don't need to worry about clogging your pipes with semen. That, my friends, is just a college campus-birthed myth. Also, soap is NOT a lube.
Kill two birds with one shower. Credit: Getty Images / MilanMarkovic
So, what're you waiting for? Turn yourself on and get yourself off. Give yourself a hand. You deserve it.
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Masturbation - HealthyChildren.org
Is It Normal to Masturbate? (for Teens) - Nemours KidsHealth
Masturbation — Health Benefits | Teen Vogue
10 different but equally enjoyable kinds of masturbation ...
Masturbation | Sutter Health
Why Is Children’s Masturbation Such a Secret? - The New ...
Health Benefits of Masturbation | Teen Vogue
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Teens Masturbation Self

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