Teens Forum Net

Teens Forum Net


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Suitable for 12-18 years
Teens: communicating & relationships
Teenage communicating and relationships: overview
It's true – family relationships change as your child moves into the teenage years. But your love and support is still very important. Read why.
Active listening is a powerful tool to improve communication and build a positive relationship with your teenage child. Our guide explains the steps.
Negotiating helps teenagers learn how to make good decisions. These negotiation techniques can help you both get what you want.
If you have a teenager, you know conflict is normal – but you still need ways of dealing with conflict. Our guide to conflict management has the essentials.
Difficult conversations with teenagers
Feel awkward talking to your teen about sex, drugs and more? It's normal. Here's how to handle difficult conversations and guide teens to good decisions.
VIDEO: Handling tricky conversations with teenagers
Want to know how to handle difficult conversations with teenagers? Step one: stay calm and listen. This video takes you through you more strategies.
Raising a difficult issue with teenagers: options
Sometimes you might need to raise difficult issues with teens. This video guide gives you options to help you handle tricky topics with your teenage child.
Disaster news and distressing news events: supporting teenagers
When disasters and distressing news events happen, teens see a lot of media coverage. They can feel very worried. Talking is the best way to help them cope.
Preventing violence against women: teaching children about respect
Prevention of violence against women starts with parents, children and respect. Here’s how to role-model respect towards women and girls for your children.
Child sexual abuse: talking to teenagers
Talking about child sexual abuse helps teens stay safe and understand what abuse looks like. It’s important to talk about consent, respect and saying no.
Consent and sexual consent: talking with children and teenagers
Sexual consent is agreeing to take part in sexual activity. It’s key to healthy relationships. Children can learn about consent long before it relates to sex.
Getting and giving sexual consent: talking with teenagers
Consent is essential to healthy, safe sexual experiences for teenagers. To give and get sexual consent, teens need to communicate respectfully and clearly.
Staying connected: you and your teenage child
Staying connected with your teenage child is about building closeness through everyday activities. Get practical tips for positive relationships with teens.
Staying connected with teenagers: options
How do you stay connected and build positive relationships with teens? Our video guide gives you options, so you can choose what works for your family.
Relationships with parents and families: why teenagers need them
Teenagers need parents and families for love, support and guidance – though it might not always seem like it. Read how to strengthen bonds with your teen.
Positive relationships for parents and children: how to build them
Positive relationships between parents and children are key to child development. These relationships are about being in the moment, quality time and trust.
Dads and teenagers: 10 tips to build strong relationships
Relationships change in the teen years, but dads still have a big role to play. Being around and involved helps dads build strong relationships with teens.
VIDEO: Teens talk: relationships with parents
In this video, teens talk about their relationships with parents. They talk about trust, independence and times when they want parents to give them space.
Positive relationships for families: how to build them
Positive relationships in families help children feel secure and loved. Here’s how to build relationships with quality time, communication, teamwork and more.
VIDEO: Family meetings: how and why they work
Family meetings are a great way for your family to spend time together and catch up on what’s going on for everyone. This video demonstration shows how.
Privacy, monitoring and trust: the teenage years
Teenagers naturally want more privacy – but you still need to know what's going on. Read how trust and monitoring are the keys to handling the issue.
Shifting responsibility to your child: teenage years
As children get older, they want and need more responsibility. Here are ideas for giving teens the right amount of responsibility at the right time.
Helping teenagers adjust after separation or divorce
Separation or divorce can complicate normal teenage ups and downs. Help teens by being open, telling them it’s not their fault, and sticking with routines.
Positive teenage friends and friendships are an important part of the journey to adulthood for your child. Read how to support your child’s friendships.
What are toxic friendships and frenemies? This parent guide explains negative teen friendships and what you can do to help your teenage child avoid them.
Peer pressure and influence: teenagers
You might worry about peer pressure or peer influence on your child. But in fact peer pressure isn’t always a bad thing. Here’s what you need to know.
VIDEO: Peer pressure: teen and parent perspectives
In this short video, parents and teens discuss the need to feel part of a group. But peer pressure doesn’t always lead to risky behaviour, they say.
Teenage relationships: romance and intimacy
Early teenage relationships often involve exploring romance, physical intimacy and sexual feelings. You can guide your child through this important stage.
Respectful romantic relationships for teenagers
Teenagers in romantic, intimate and sexual relationships need to understand what respectful relationships are. You can help by role-modelling and talking.
Consent and sexual consent: talking with children and teenagers
Sexual consent is agreeing to take part in sexual activity. It’s key to healthy relationships. Children can learn about consent long before it relates to sex.
Getting and giving sexual consent: talking with teenagers
Consent is essential to healthy, safe sexual experiences for teenagers. To give and get sexual consent, teens need to communicate respectfully and clearly.
Traumatic events: first response to help children
When children go through traumatic events, first response includes checking they’re physically OK and helping them feel safe. Get help and support if needed.
Traumatic events: supporting children in the days and weeks afterwards
After traumatic events, children and teenagers might be upset, angry, withdrawn and so on. It helps to talk, stick with routines, and work through feelings.
Multilingual and bilingual children: benefits and challenges
Raising multilingual and bilingual children has benefits for children and families, including strong family bonds. But it can also take time and effort.
Raising multilingual and bilingual children: resources
Many resources can help you raise multilingual and bilingual children. Here are links to bilingual, multilingual and multicultural resources across Australia.
Raising multilingual and bilingual children: options
Decisions about raising multilingual and bilingual children depend on your family situation and the languages you use at home. Here are ideas for you to try.
Raising Children Network is supported by the Australian Government. Member organisations are the Parenting Research Centre and the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute with The Royal Children’s Hospital Centre for Community Child Health.
At raisingchildren.net.au we acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we live, gather and work. We recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community. We pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.
© 2006-2021 Raising Children Network (Australia) Limited. All rights reserved.
Warning: This website and the information it contains is not intended as a substitute for professional consultation with a qualified practitioner.
This website is certified by Health On the Net Foundation (HON) and complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information.

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Suitable for 12-18 years
Teens: behaviour
Encouraging good behaviour in teenagers: 20 tips
Good behaviour in teenagers starts with communication and positive relationships. Our 20 tips cover rules, role-modelling, problem-solving, praise and more.
Problem-solving with teenagers: steps and tips
Problem-solving is an important life skill for teenagers to learn. You and your child can solve most problems using six key steps, which our guide explains.
VIDEO: Problem-solving with teenagers: demonstration
This short video demonstration shows you how to use a problem-solving approach to resolve ongoing conflict between teenage siblings.
Praise helps children and teens feel good about themselves, which boosts their confidence. Praise can also encourage good behaviour in children. Read more.
VIDEO: Descriptive praise in action
This short video demonstration shows you how to use descriptive praise to encourage good behaviour in children and teenagers.
Parents: role models and positive influences for teenagers
Parents can be positive role models for teens in what they do and say. They can influence teen alcohol use, relationships, friendships, tech use and more.
Family rules are good for the whole family. This guide explains how to involve children and teens in making rules and get rules working well for your family.
VIDEO: Family rules: how to work them out with teenagers
In this short video, parents and teenagers talk about why family rules are important, how they decide on rules, and how they share out household chores.
VIDEO: Changing family rules: how to do it
Sometimes families need to change rules, especially as children become teenagers. This short video shows how to change rules and keep everybody happy!
When teenagers break the rules: options
As teenagers look for independence, they sometimes break the rules. Our video guide shows how different approaches to rule-breaking get different results.
Family routines: how and why they work
Daily routines are how families organise themselves, spend time together and have fun. Routines help children feel safe. They also reduce parent stress.
Discipline strategies for teenagers
Discipline is about guiding teens towards appropriate behaviour. It starts with communication and warm relationships, and focuses on setting agreed limits.
Loss of privilege: child and teenage behaviour strategy
You can use loss of privilege as a misbehaviour consequence. It helps children and teens learn the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.
Helping pre-teens and teenagers calm down
Pre-teens and teens might need help to calm down from strong emotions. Try these steps: notice the emotion, name it and pause. Problem-solve afterwards.
Teenage behaviour and how to manage it
Pushing the boundaries is normal for teens. Teenage behaviour management involves rules, consistency, warm relationships, understanding and some discipline.
Self-regulation in children and teenagers
Self-regulation is the ability to manage reactions and behaviour. You can help children learn self-regulation from early childhood and into the teen years.
Disrespectful teenage behaviour: how to deal with it
Disrespect from teenagers is pretty common. It will probably pass, but these strategies for handling disrespectful behaviour can help you in the meantime.
Disrespectful behaviour in teenagers: options
Disrespectful behaviour in teenagers is common. This video guide shows you options for handling teen disrespect. You can choose what works for your family.
Risky behaviour in teenagers: how to handle it
Risky behaviour – why do teens do it? Because they want freedom and new experiences. But it can be stressful for parents. Get tips to handle risk-taking.
VIDEO: Risky behaviour: what is it?
In this video teenagers and parents share perspectives on risky behaviour and thrill-seeking. Teens say what they’d do if friends were doing risky things.
Troubled teens – what are the signs? And how can you help? This article explains what to look for and has tips for getting your child back on track.
School refusal: children and teenagers
School refusal is when children and teens get upset about going to school, and won’t or can’t go. It’s best to work with schools to get children going again.
Children and teenagers can gamble in many ways, so they need to understand what gambling is, what its consequences are, and what the chances of winning are.
Legal age is when you’re legally allowed to do things like leave school or home, get a job or licence, give medical or sexual consent, and so on. Read more.
Teenage sibling fighting is normal and can even have benefits. Teens can learn life skills by sorting out conflict themselves. You can help them when needed.
Teenage sibling fights are normal – the key is how you handle them. Our video guide shows how different approaches to sibling fighting get different results.
Children fight because they’re still learning skills to manage emotions and sort out disagreements. When fights work out fairly, children build life skills.
Peer pressure and influence: teenagers
You might worry about peer pressure or peer influence on your child. But in fact peer pressure isn’t always a bad thing. Here’s what you need to know.
VIDEO: Peer pressure: teen and parent perspectives
In this short video, parents and teens discuss the need to feel part of a group. But peer pressure doesn’t always lead to risky behaviour, they say.
Teenage parties: your child going to parties
As children get older, they often want to go to parties. Help your child have fun and stay safe at teen parties with rules, back-up plans and communication.
Hosting a teenage party: guide for parents
Hosting a teenage party with your child can be fun. Note that you’re responsible for partygoers’ safety and should check state laws about serving alcohol.
It’s not unusual for teenagers to change behaviour or appearance to be part of youth subcultures. It’s one of the ways they develop their own identities.
VIDEO: Peer influence on teenage trends and fashions
Parents and teens discuss factors that shape teenage trends, including peer influence. They share tips for handling pressure to keep up with trends.
Positive teenage friends and friendships are an important part of the journey to adulthood for your child. Read how to support your child’s friendships.
What are toxic friendships and frenemies? This parent guide explains negative teen friendships and what you can do to help your teenage child avoid them.
Tattoos and body-piercings: teenagers
So your teen wants a tattoo or body-piercing? Don’t panic! Start by talking with your teen. Our guide covers legal age for tattoos and piercing in Australia.
Teenage bullying: what to look for and how to help
Teenage bullying is never OK. If you’re worried your child is being bullied, look for signs of problems at school, as well as emotional and physical signs.
Teenagers bullying others: what to do
If your teen is bullying others, you need to acknowledge the behaviour. Then you need to work with the school on changing your child’s bullying behaviour.
Cyberbullying: what it is and how to avoid it
Cyberbullying is using digital technology to hurt others. It’s never OK. Help your child avoid cyberbullying with technology rules and open communication.
Cyberbullying: spotting the signs and helping your child
Children who are being cyberbullied need help. Cyberbullying signs include mood and behaviour changes. Use the G.E.T.R.I.D. steps to handle cyberbullying.
How to stop cyberbullying: in pictures
Download or print this illustrated guide on how to stop cyberbullying. Get tips for dealing effectively with cyberbullies using the G.E.T.R.I.D. steps.
VIDEO: Cyberbullying: talking with teenagers
Talking to teens about cyberbullying can be tricky. This video demonstration with actors shows how to help your teenage child by starting a conversation.
Raising Children Network is supported by the Australian Government. Member organisations are the Parenting Research Centre and the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute with The Royal Children’s Hospital Centre for Community Child Health.
At raisingchildren.net.au we acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we live, gather and work. We recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community. We pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.
© 2006-2021 Raising Children Network (Australia) Limited. All rights reserved.
Warning: This website and the information it contains is not intended as a substitute for professional consultation with a qualified practitioner.
This website is certified by Health On the Net Foundation (HON) and complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information.

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