Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles In Hindi 720p

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles In Hindi 720p


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles In Hindi 720p


When a threat rises from an organization called the Foot Clan, the turtles must rise from their home in the sewers. Leonardo the Leader, Raphael the Rebel, Michelangelo the Comedian and Donatello the Smart must save New York city from Shredder.
When New York's biggest villain group (the Foot Clan) threaten the city, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles must save the city. But after their master Splinter group gets nearly killed and Raphael's brothers gets kidnapped, he must rescue them before it's too late. Will he avenge his master, save his brothers, and defeat the Foot Clan or will all of the brothers die with him?
Alright. So let&#39;s get it out of the way. This movie had a lot of s*** go down about it. A lot of people said it was good, a lot of people said it was bad. And honestly? You can go either way. I originally wanted to see this movie when came out, because I grew up on the TMNT Cartoon Network series that began in the early 2000s. So, when I saw that this was coming out, I got really excited…..until I saw the trailer. I felt like it was going to be a shipwreck. And in reality, it was. But not in the way that most people expected. I thought it would&#39;ve been just a bad movie, but there were so many mixed reviews that it actually did end up getting a sequel. Anyways, I did promise myself that I would eventually watch this movie once the storm of criticism calmed down.<br/><br/>Let&#39;s get down to business. The things that this movie did right were pretty substantial. They perfectly captured the personalities of each of the turtles. Each one had the clear strengths, weaknesses, and bond that I had gotten so used to growing up on. The Foot Clan (despite using guns now and not being ninjas) did feel more intimidating than I would normally have expected. They felt more threatening, which is a good transition from the cartoon version to a more &quot;realistic&quot; style. The Shredder himself, was exactly the kind of force that he needed to be. Yes yes he did have a new suit, yes yes people were angry about that. I DON&#39;T CARE! Honestly? I liked the suit change. Compared to the original suits, it went through Michael Bay makeover and turned into exactly what I would&#39;ve liked it to have been. He was practically a tank, and yes that does sort of ruin the ninja feel of the Shredder, it did feel like it was needed for this movie. The story was interesting (despite obvious reasons) and it did not take me long to get interested.<br/><br/>Now, what they did wrong. The voices for the turtles in this movie were terrible. Yeah, they were fitting, but the only one that I really liked was Raphael&#39;s voice. All the others were meh at best. Megan Fox was nowhere near the April O&#39;Neal that anyone ever wanted. There is no comparison between Megan Fox and April O&#39;Neal. They are nothing alike. Personally, I would have MUCH more preferred to have seen Natalie Portman play April O&#39;Neal. And I can say that with an honest to god smile on my face. And lastly, the BIGGEST problem that I had, was that they rewrote the backstory (which I won&#39;t go into detail to). I had fallen in love with the backstory of the cartoon from the early 2000s and so when I saw that they had COMPLETELY changed it for this movie, it took a big hit on me. I honestly almost flipped.<br/><br/>The way they were able to counteract the bad parts of this movie, were honestly just making a good film. If you went into the movie knowing NOTHING about TMNT then you would probably have really liked this movie. And personally? I actually did really enjoy this movie. I don&#39;t know if it is because I&#39;m a TMNT fanboy, or just a bad critic. I honestly can&#39;t tell. But I did enjoy this movie. It definitely was not perfect in any form, but for me, it didn&#39;t deserve the crap that it originally received. Final Score 7.5/10
What do people expect? This film doesn&#39;t try to be anything it isn&#39;t, just a good old fashioned entertaining action film, if you have been a fan of the Turtles you will enjoy this. Even if you aren&#39;t familiar and just want an hour and a half of popcorn entertainment then this is perfect, I really enjoyed it.
TMNT confuses “dimly lit” for “gritty” and humorless for substantive. It’s afraid of being too fun or too light, and doesn’t seem to know whether it wants to be a Nolan film or a 21 Jump Street-style spoof.
Scott Mednick, the executive producer, stated that this film will be live-action. Link. The Ninja Turtles themselves however will be computer animated through Motion Capture, as opposed to using practical effects.Link.<br/><br/> a5c7b9f00b

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