Teen Titans Go To The Movies Full Movie Download In Hindi

Teen Titans Go To The Movies Full Movie Download In Hindi


Teen Titans Go! To The Movies Full Movie Download In Hindi


A villain's maniacal plan for world domination sidetracks five teenage superheroes who dream of Hollywood stardom.
It seems to the Teens that all the major superheroes out there are starring in their own movies-everyone but the Teen Titans, that is. But de facto leader Robin is determined to remedy the situation, and be seen as a star instead of a sidekick. If only they could get the hottest Hollywood film director to notice them. With a few madcap ideas and a song in their heart, the Teen Titans head to Tinsel Town, certain to pull off their dream. But when the group is radically misdirected by a seriously super villain and his maniacal plan to take over the Earth, things really go awry. The team finds their friendship and their fighting spirit failing, putting the very fate of the Teen Titans themselves on the line.
I think everyone who watched this was expecting something absolutely awful, but instead got something really ehh. To them, ehh is amazing with those expectations. I went in with no expectations, and admitably this is due to me just not watching that much of the show. I&#39;ve seen many episodes but it was never that good. So I walk in and... wow, it&#39;s just a long episode from the show. And not really a good one.<br/><br/>Positives first, as per usual. At times this movie is really funny. There&#39;s a good chunk of mocking common superhero movie tropes, including the obligatory Stan Lee cameo and the Martha scene from BvS. While a lot of this movie does rely on pop culture references to get laughs, it&#39;s not really something so bad. Another great chunk of the humor comes from Nick Cage as Superman. Even though he&#39;s barely in it he still manages some amazing moments, and you totally buy him as Superman.<br/><br/>Slade was a fun villain. They play the &quot;Haha Slade Wilson and Wade Wilson haha&quot; card, and while I will admit it kinda bugged me how much they played it, its still a funny joke. Slade gets a lot of great moments, and does have a good tone to it all. Well, whenever Slade is on screen at least.<br/><br/>The animation is cute and very very colorful. Not everything looks great, there&#39;s some moments where the background doesn&#39;t look properly made for the movement the character did, but otherwise it does look mostly visually appealing.<br/><br/>Now back to your regularly scheduled negatives.<br/><br/>Tonally speaking, this movie is all over the place. It doesn&#39;t know what it wants you to feel. It doesn&#39;t know if its trying to make you cry, or laugh, or reel backwards in shock, or if it&#39;s just trying all those things at once and failing. A great example that is still sticking in my head is the scene where the Titans go back in time and stop the superheroes from becoming superheroes. They save Krypton from blowing up with a musical sequence (there&#39;s a lot of those in this movie, don&#39;t worry), which can be seen as fun and happy. Then less than five seconds later they&#39;re tossing a plastic can holder into the ocean and strangling baby Aquaman........ HANG ON, WHAT? Is this supposed to be funny? Are we supposed to laugh at the strangulation AND drowning of a baby? Like it&#39;s being played off for laughs but still. That&#39;s some really dark stuff! Oh and they save Bruce Wayne&#39;s parents... wait would Robin not exist if Batman didn&#39;t either? Another example is them having an upbeat musical number (literally called Upbeat) and then they run over the lead singer. Uhh... and then Cyborg makes a dead cop joke? I dunno, it was kinda hard to understand.<br/><br/>This movie suffers from what I like to call &quot;The Deadpool Problem&quot;. It&#39;s a satire of dumb comic book movies while still being a dumb comic book movie. Meaning despite parodying superhero movies and all their dumb elements and predictability, they still do all that same stuff, and acknowledge that they&#39;re doing it. Just saying what you&#39;re doing is dumb doesn&#39;t make it any less dumb. Deadpool suffers this same problem where Deadpool constantly breaks the fourth wall and acknowledges what the movie is doing is dumb, while the movie keeps going and he plays along with it. Here we have characters pointing out how predictable the plot twist of the movie is after the plot twist happens. Just saying that it was doesn&#39;t change the fact of how predictable it was. It&#39;s not funny to point out your own flaws over and over and over again.<br/><br/>While this movie does break the fourth wall a lot, it misses great opportunities for jokes doing so, to the point where it becomes a serious flaw. The whole movie&#39;s plot is the joke of &quot;Robin wants his own movie&quot; while we sit in the theater and watch the movie of him wanting a movie. That&#39;s neat, but breaking the fourth wall over and over again and not limiting it to a single character pretty much gives off the impression that everyone knows they&#39;re being filmed. Robin is getting his own movie and knows he&#39;s currently getting his own movie while begging at the &quot;filmmaker&#39;s&quot; feet for his own movie (and bursting into song about it). The end joke, while quite funny because you don&#39;t see it coming, has this problem to the letter. Robin just spent the whole movie wanting his own movie and was then pointed to the camera before he gives a big speech and told &quot;dude people are trying to leave now&quot;, and he just jumps at camera and acknowledges the audience of kids, not with a &quot;OH MY GOD I FINALLY HAVE MY MOVIE!&quot;, like you&#39;d expect. It&#39;s unexpected, which makes it funny, but it also doesn&#39;t make sense in context, which leaves you kinda confused.<br/><br/>Ultimately this movie was kinda a mess. It has its good moments but I do believe the negatives outweigh the positives sadly. I will admit to having fun at parts but again this is the same movie that has 12, maybe 13 year old &quot;heroes&quot; choking and drowning baby Aquaman, while still trying to make poop jokes and be taken seriously. It&#39;s a very confused movie and that does take away from it a lot. I wouldn&#39;t recommend this, but it&#39;s all up to you in the end.
Not worth watching at all bad story in the movie it was for sure the worst movie I&#39;ve ever seen
Although obviously geared to the small fry who will no doubt eat it up, Teen Titans Go! To the Movies will provide many laughs for their adult chaperones as well.

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