Teen Suspect Exchanges Sex For Freedom

Teen Suspect Exchanges Sex For Freedom


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One writer investigates the growing trend of men taking advantage of vulnerable women
When a low, steady voice from behind calls my name, my heart rate shoots up. It is the same voice that slimed its way out of my iPhone receiver a few days ago when I arranged this pub meeting with a potential new ‘landlord’. I whip round and see an overgrown Michelangelo cherub of a man in a strained checked shirt. He’s nursing a whisky at a table by the door. The fiftysomething male in question is Marc*, who posted an advert for his available spare room in the ‘Housing’ section of the Craigslist website, which I have replied to. However, unlike my previous landlords who only required me to pay a deposit, my rent on time and to not fuck up their house, this guy requires no deposit, no rent and that I fuck him every now and then.
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He buys me a glass of white wine, as a friend (who I’ve brought along as a safety precaution) slips into the bar to observe from a table across the way. “So, as you’ll have seen in the advert, the house is beautiful. It’s one of four properties that I own across London. I’m very fortunate to have run my own business since I was 24 – your age. The same age as my son, in fact,” says Marc. I swallow the Sauvignon and he continues, “I don’t have any rules, apart from that there are to be no men in the house. If you meet men outside the flat, I need to know all the details.”
With a wry smile I reply, “Of course. On the phone you mentioned that you’re looking for an open-minded tenant – what exactly does that mean?” Without skipping a beat, Marc lays it on the line. “I’m dominant and I’m looking for a submissive woman to move in. You’d be my lover, my plaything.” He eyes me up and down. “I want someone to cook me the occasional meal, look after the house when I'm away on business and have adult fun with me. I’ve had this arrangement with various girls over the years, both British and from abroad, and it’s always worked out well. And don’t worry, I’m not into anything weird!” I can feel my cheeks flushing pink as I nervously laugh. “Well, what’s weird these days anyway, Marc?” I say. Er… this?, my brain responds. This is seriously weird.

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Although it may sound like Marc has placed his advert in the wrong section of Craigslist, he’s not the only rogue landlord with the idea of cashing in on those left most vulnerable by the housing crisis. Notably, young women. A quick search online throws up dozens of similar listings (mostly in London and other big cities, where affordable accommodation is scarce and the gulf between rich and poor is ever-widening) and housing charity Shelter reports that 28% of women sleeping rough have had unwanted sex in order to find a bed for the night. The ads range from bad – ‘Slim, attractive female housekeeper wanted: free rent in London’ – to worse: ‘Are you an open-minded girl wanting to save a few quid on your accommodation? Then please send me a picture of your face and full body’. When we asked Cosmopolitan readers how many would consider sleeping with a landlord in exchange for cheap or no rent, almost a quarter** said they might or would.
The thought of him slapping my backside makes me shudder for hours afterwards.
Another of the listings I respond to, under the guise of being willing to exchange my body for a bed (and bed is the operative word here; many of these dangerous posts don’t even afford the poor tenant their own room), has been posted by Richard*, who is seeking a young woman to provide him with ‘Fifteen minutes of adult cuddling time per week’. Over email he assures me that taking a room with him is safe as he is a ‘black cab driver, so I’ve been CRB checked’. I decline his offer to meet. Another, Martin*, tells me he’s opening his home to vulnerable women (and all these adverts clearly state pretty, young females only) as he understands what it’s like to be in a difficult spot with accommodation – and then stops responding to me when I insist our first meeting should occur in a public place (and not the sauna in his apartment complex, as he suggests).
To investigate exactly how easy it is to post this sort of offer, I attempt to post adverts of my own on the main three websites women my age use to find a place to rent: SpareRoom (it is immediately flagged and doesn’t make it onto the site), Gumtree (my advert is removed after a few days) and Craigslist (where it still is now – and sadly had three replies within the first week of being live). I schedule a call with Gemma Allen-Muncey, operations director of SpareRoom and the woman in charge of the team who regulate which adverts make it onto the site, to discuss. While she admits to having increasingly read about these types of listings in the news, it’s not something she has seen a rise in. “Of course we get the odd one trying to sneak through, but we have both a computer system and human team to screen each advert before it sees the light of day on SpareRoom. It would be totally irresponsible for us to allow adverts like these to get the go-ahead; they put women in danger.”
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I’m still uncertain as to the legalities of these adverts – but luckily Robert Conway, director of criminal defence at law firm Vardags, is able to provide clarification. After telling me how grotesque he finds this latest twist in the ongoing London housing crisis, he explains, “Regrettably, but – notwithstanding the bold and shameful soliciting of sex on public internet forums – it is legal.” However, he continues, given the level of the crisis facing young people when it comes to housing in London, the issue raises the interesting question of whether or not these arrangements undermine an individual’s freedom of choice. At the heart of rape and sexual assault is, of course, the issue of consent. “Section 74 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 provides that a person consents if they agree by choice, and have the freedom and capacity to make that choice. The concept of ‘freedom’ can, as in this instance, mean economic freedom.” Otherwise known as financial independence. Conway gives me an example of the case of R v Kirk, where a homeless teenager agreed to sex with a man in exchange for £3.25 to buy food. “The court found that the homeless victim merely ‘submitted’ rather than ‘consented’ because she had no choice in the matter: it was sex or hunger. And the women targeted in these adverts could perhaps be in a similarly desperate situation.” It looks as though there is a basis for prosecuting lecherous landlords after all, and that the gap between the moral and legal positions are not as far apart as it might first seem. I make several attempts to contact Craigslist and receive no reply.
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Natalie, a 30-year-old beautician from Kent, is one of the at-risk women to whom Allen-Muncey and Conway refer. Presently, she is living in an affluent area of London, free of charge, with a man she met on Craigslist (he was one of hundreds who responded to her advert saying she was desperate for free accommodation). Part of the requirement of her unwritten tenancy is to share a bed with her landlord, Jayesh*, a software engineer – she does not have a bedroom or any private space of her own, and sleeps on the sofa during the day while he is at work. She jokes that he is a heavy snorer.
I meet Natalie for a coffee around the corner from her flat and outside a man is begging loudly for change. “Please, doesn’t anybody have a heart?” he cries. She gives me a weary smile. “That’s me really – I’m no different, but people would never expect it as I don’t look homeless.
"The benefits I’m entitled to while I’m job-hunting are barely enough to make ends meet. London rent prices are so high.” Natalie is dressed immaculately with fresh blonde highlights – but lost her job after a temporary contract that she hoped would become permanent didn’t come to fruition. She then struggled to pay the rent on her flat near Heathrow and, as a substitute, her landlord pressured her into sex to cover the costs she owed him. She is now too afraid to return to her own address, where she has left most of her possessions. “Men on Craigslist have given me somewhere to stay in the city temporarily, while I go for job interviews close by,” says Natalie.
He insists that we share a bed, but we don’t always have sex. Sometimes I’ll just do chores.
“The man I live with isn’t unkind. I feel lucky really as he seems friendly and has even been helping me rewrite my CV,” she says, clutching her coffee. My stomach folds like a deckchair at the word “lucky”. When I ask about her family, her eyes fall downwards to the table. She explains they don’t live nearby and seems reluctant to talk about them, so I don’t push it. But what about friends, do they know where she is? “I have told one friend what I’m doing and she said I’m crazy, but what other choice do I have?” When I question her for information about the exact details of her living arrangement, she stiffens and gives another unsure laugh. “I told Jayesh not to expect anything of me on the first night that I moved in as I was ill, but since then… he insists that we share a bed. We don’t always have sex. Sometimes I’ll just do chores or walk the dog.” That evening, I chew over how she appears to have ‘normalised’ her situation for hours and, although I’ve never been religious, send out a prayer to the universe for her.
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Back in the pub, and after a casual discussion about the business he runs, Marc asks me to stand up in an authoritative voice. Taken aback, I do. “Let me see your body,” he commands, spinning me round with the hand not clutching his drink. Then, he spanks me. Hot rage and embarrassment surges; I immediately sit back down and shuffle as far away from him as possible on the leather bench. In rapid-fire succession, he launches into a string of highly unsuitable questions: How sexually experienced am I? How many partners have I gone to bed with? Do I have piercings or tattoos? What is my ‘speciality’? For a minute I try to dodge them like verbal tennis balls, responding with false answers, until he implores me to undo a button on my blouse so he can see my nipples. No. Time to leave – I knock back the last of my wine, blabber an excuse about meeting a friend for dinner and dash down the street into the nearest corner shop to buy cigarettes with a shaky hand. The thought of him slapping my backside makes me shudder for hours afterwards.
When I arrive home that evening, where the click of my key in the door sounds sweeter than ever, I think back to Natalie. Tonight she’s at the mercy of a man who determines whether she has a bed to sleep in and a roof over her head. Having now spoken to many men like her landlord, it seems that a significant factor in them wanting to have a woman in their home in exchange for sex (rather than paying by the hour for something no-strings) is the power they are able to exert over their tenants. Some may argue that a woman could partake in this set-up of her own free will and feel perfectly happy doing so, but really they’d be in no position to set any boundaries. How could you want to be so submissive, all day, every day?

A woman like Natalie could agree to the initial terms of a deal, but who knows what extra ‘requirements’ her landlord could add at any point later on? And by then, she’d be so far down the road into an abusive situation that extricating herself and moving on could become increasingly difficult. A woman might end up submitting to sexual acts that she wouldn’t normally, to keep herself off the streets – and it’s not something the police can patrol.
A few days later, I receive an email from Natalie, thanking me for coming to meet her. “It was lovely to finally confide in someone. Speaking about my current living situation has opened my eyes to how vulnerable I am and I’ll be looking for a better solution for my future.” For the millionth time since I started investigating landlords like Marc, I feel so grateful to have a safe home to live in, which I can just about afford (that said, shout out to my parents for helping during the months where I’ve found myself in the red) – and where my landlord abides by the rules of human decency.
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Jennifer Savin Features Writer Jennifer Savin is Cosmopolitan UK’s features writer (for both print and digital), specialising in investigative reports, news, women’s issues and all things health.
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Teen Suspect Exchanges Sex For Freedom

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