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Covecrest is more than a retreat center and summer camp. Covecrest is a community of Catholics committed to transforming teens, transforming parishes, and transforming culture. Will you join us?
Hidden Lake is home to an incredible Catholic community, gorgeous views, welcoming meeting spaces and so much more. Dedicated to leading teens closer to Christ, we hope you'll be welcomed home to Hidden Lake soon.
The Steubenville Youth Conferences, an outreach of Franciscan University of Steubenville, are a series of 24 conferences across North America that help teens encounter the love of Christ every summer. Each summer, Life Teen hosts several Steubenville Youth Conferences with the hopes of strengthening and inspiring teens and youth groups in their collective journeys to Christ.
We are offered a future full of hope. That future, however, will not simply arrive at our doorstep. We must co-labor with Christ as he speaks hope into this world. A future of hope starts with the youth of today. They are tomorrow’s prophets and apostles, developers and doctors, teachers and preachers, athletes and artists, mystics and martyrs. How they are shaped today will be how they shape tomorrow.
There are many women who are a vital part of salvation history and their stories are critical parts of Sacred Scripture. This scriptural devotion will inspire young women to raise their heads along with Mary, Martha, Lydia, and Esther and look into the eyes of Jesus, the God who loves deeply and perfectly.
You are going to make thousands of decisions today and one of them might change your life. Are you confident that what you want and what God want are the same thing? Don’t leave it up to chance - leave it in the hands of the Holy Spirit.
Edge helps middle schoolers unleash who they were created to be, in Christ.
Life Teen strengthens our teens' Catholic identity, while rooting them firmly in Christ and in His Church.
Then one of the Twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What are you willing to give me if I hand him [Jesus] over to you?” They paid him thirty pieces of silver, and from that time on he looked for an opportunity to hand him over.
–Matthew 26:14-16
Spy Wednesday is the day that Judas Iscariot went to the Pharisees and made the deal with them to hand Jesus over. In Matthew’s account, Judas asks them “what are you willing to give me if I hand him over to you?” (Mt 26:15). They agree to give him 30 pieces of silver, and from that moment, Judas was looking for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to them. (Mt 26: 14-16; Mk 14: 10-11; Lk 22: 1-6)
I think it’s easy to diminish Judas to the sum of his actions. The gospel writers certainly do, identifying him as the betrayer when the apostles are named (Mt 10:4) and making sure to point out that he had stolen from the money bag (Jn 12:6). Judas, however, did not hate Jesus. He had followed him for three years and became one of Jesus’ closest friends. On the contrary, it goes on to say in Matthew’s Gospel that Judas asks the Pharisees, “what are you willing to give me if I hand him [Jesus] over to you?” Judas is not motivated by hatred, but by greed.
The elders agree to give Judas 30 pieces of silver; not a significant value. 30 pieces of silver was the same “cheap price” paid to the rejected shepherd (Zech 11:12-13). It is also the same amount paid as the recompense for a lost or killed slave (Ex 21:32). Jesus, the rejected shepherd, was being sold as a slave.
Our Lord is not ignorant of any of this. In all four Gospels, Jesus announces during the Passover meal that one seated among them is to betray him. He also lays out a warning, saying woe to that man, and it would better had he never been born. The apostles are shocked and begin to ask Jesus one by one if they are the one who will do it. Judas is the last to ask, and Jesus tells him, “You have said so” (Mt 26:25). Jesus emphasizes the idea that the betrayer is someone who shares in table fellowship. The betrayer is someone who is close to him; a person who is like family to him. He then looks Judas in the eye and tells him, “What you are going to do, do quickly” (Jn 13:27).
So, Judas leaves, into the night, to alert the temple guards of their opportunity to arrest Jesus. He leads them to the Mount of Olives, a place Jesus has often gone to pray. He meets Jesus and greets him with a kiss, a sign of love and affection that has now become a sign of betrayal. The Passion of our Lord begins through a disordered and dishonest expression of love. Only at this point does Judas realize what he has done. He tries to return the money to the Pharisees in an attempt to back out of their agreement. They reject his offer, and taking a rope Judas hangs himself in his despair (Mt 27:3-10).
How are we like Judas? What masters do we serve instead of our Lord? Do we put money or comfort on too high a pedestal? What does it take for us to sell out Jesus in our jokes or conversations? What does it take for us to break our silence and stand for truth? Do we despair in our sins and reject the forgiveness of Jesus?
Let us pray for the pure devotion to give Jesus our best instead of selling him short in our daily lives. Let us pray to put Him first and refuse to let other things get in the way. But most of all, let us use today as an opportunity to reflect on our sinfulness and shortcomings with faith in the knowledge the Jesus forgives and gives life even to those broken and wounded by sin.
I love Thai food, old books, and stupid puns. I'm married to a beautiful, patient, and holy woman and I live and work as a youth minister in the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia. God allows me to lead worship and retreats all over the place and you can follow me on Twitter @dprihl.
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Not many types of movies are as exciting as a good spy flick -- there's just something irresistible about secret agents, intrigue, and double crosses. Check out this list of our favorite spy movies for both tweens and teens, from Spy Kids to James Bond. These excellent espionage films are full of action and adventure, but some are more mature than others. It's a good idea to be ready to discuss the ways sex and violence are depicted in these top picks.
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Just the right combination of fantasy and comedy.
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Odd-couple spy/buddy comedy is wacky fun; lots of action.
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Teen spy spoof with gadgets, girls is fun for tweens, teens.
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Book-based movie has some bullying, name-calling.
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Funny but formulaic action comedy has violence, language.
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Classic Hitchcock suspense, some drinking and smoking.
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Teen spy hero makes leap from book to screen.
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Witty Hitchcock thriller piles on suspense and innuendo.
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Silly and fun, but edgier than the classic TV series.
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Silly spy spoof delivers near-nonstop stream of laughs.
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Thrilling action comedy may be the best Bond.
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Slick and stylized, retro spy adventure is loads of fun.
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Sensational, implausible, violent: Irresistible to teens.
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Good thrill ride of a movie with nonstop action.
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Spy franchise returns for more action-packed thrills.
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Spy franchise returns with thrills, death-defying stunts.
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Cruise's sixth M:I action adventure is most intense one yet.
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As powerful and original now as it was in 1949.
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'90s James Bond spoof has tons of sex, crude humor.
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Violent but thrilling first of the Bourne action trilogy.
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Second in trilogy is a smooth but violent thriller.
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Excellent, smart spy thriller for mature teens and up.
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Darker than usual Bond; too violent for tweens.
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Nolan's violent, elaborate epic is best for deep thinkers.
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A secret's consequences play out in intense spy film.
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Clever, complex romantic thriller is too twisty for tweens.
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Stereotype-based satire; not for young kids.
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Brash, witty spy film is packed with over-the-top violence.
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Philip Seymour Hoffman great in moody, smart spy drama.
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Powerful woman at core of stylish, very violent spy story.
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Action spoof is hilarious but raunchy and violent.
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Excellent spy film mixes suspense and shocking moments.
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