Teen Gf Snaps

Teen Gf Snaps


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Snapchat is probably the best app out there right now, closely tied with Instagram. It allows you to send your friends absolutely disgusting pictures of yourself while safely knowing they have disappeared — and if they haven't and your friend screenshots them, you'll be fully aware and can react accordingly. Of course, with this app, there is usually an ulterior motive to sending pics, and there are a handful of typical Snapchats everyone sends, including the subtle brag, the cry for sympathy, and the pic show you're just having a really, really good hair day (which everyone knows is a perfect excuse to take 50+ photos and send them worldwide).
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When you think about it, doesn't everything on Snapchat kind of have an ulterior motive? I mean, even when you're sending that ugly-face selfie to your bestie, aren't you sending it to get her attention, or to let her know you're thinking about her? Not to get all philosophical on you, but nobody is innocent in the game that is called Snapchat
So what are your Snap buddies really trying to tell you when they send you a snap? Obviously, it is not just what it looks like on the surface...
You woke up with your lights on and in your outfit from the night before; there may or may not be an empty pizza box next to you in bed.
When someone says they're hungover on Snapchat, they're probably just trying to show that they can still look good after a night out and too many shots, despite whatever sh*t they got into the night before.
"Hey, I know I've been complaining about how broke I've been for the past two weeks, but you know I can't resist a good sale!!"
So, I guess you aren't as broke as you claim? Well, that's the quickest way to prevent any future sympathy from me.
People who send you these snaps are real ones who trust you, so don't let them go. In my opinion, the best time to send one of these snaps is when you have multiple blemishes across your face, so you can use the drawing tool to connect the dots. Does anyone else do this? No? That's awkward...
I hope your bedfellow doesn't catch you taking this picture. And if they do please don't pose together for all the world to see.
Well, good for you; you had a sleepover! Thank you so much for rubbing it in the face of everyone who wants to get laid.
You are still rocking last night's makeup, so technically you look #flawless. Is this something you think everyone needs to see? Probably not, but that doesn't stop you from sending it.
The person sending this might be showing off some wacky, fun situation they've gotten into. Or, they really have no idea what's happening and are genuinely asking their recipients for help figuring it out.
"Everyone look at how great of a person I am; I spend my free time with my family!" 
Way to make everyone who is currently nursing a hangover alone feel awful about themselves.
Food pics have been around pretty much as long as cameras have. If you're seeing a yummy-looking meal on Snapchat, it's probably because it's now pretty much second-nature for a smartphone user to document all their meals.
Your Snapchat friend is feeling themself, and wants to be gassed up accordingly.
Congratulations, you live in New York, London, or somewhere else exciting. The fact that you can use a filter that displays your city across it really comes in handy at a time like this.
Probably taken at the gym, this Snapchat is all about showing off the bod. Hey, at least they're honest about it!
Wow. A Snapchat at a club — I've never seen one before in my life. The sender is probably genuinely excited to be there... or they want to make a specific someone jealous.
Certain people love showing off how hard they can go. I'm not sure an injury is something to be proud of, but that doesn't stop the snaps from being sent.
That time filter really comes in handy when you are trying to show off the fact that you were out partying (or up studying) until 4 or 5 a.m. I'll watch it from my bed, thank you very much.
Everyone knows that when your hair looks perfect, you want every person you've ever encountered in her entire life to see it. I know how hard it can be to get your hairstyle just right, so when it does look good, this behavior is completely acceptable and, honestly, encouraged.
When you get a picture that's been doodled all over, you know the person who sent it was having a good time.
Yes, the pouty lip has been around for a while now, but it's still a very popular selfie pose when you want to look seductive AF.
It may seem sweet to you, but for others, a pic of you and bae could come across as a subtle brag. But honestly, it's your Snapchat, so do you.
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