Tank 432 Online Free

Tank 432 Online Free


Tank 432 Online Free


With nowhere else to hide, a group of mercenaries and their two prisoners take cover inside a long abandoned Bulldog tank. But, while they try to keep the forces outside at bay, the real enemy is already among them, locked inside the 'Belly of the Bulldog'.
A team of mercenaries confront nightmarish visions when they become trapped inside an armoured personnel carrier.
I&#39;m not some cinema snob who enjoys pontificating over this or that nugget of art in a film. I&#39;m just a guy who enjoys a decently entertaining movie. &quot;Tank 432&quot; was absolutely *not* a decently entertaining movie. Not just a somewhat poor plot, but no real plot at all. Unless &quot;run and hide&quot; qualifies as a plot. Curious; can you have a &quot;plot spoiler&quot; in a review when the movie has no plot? Or the &quot;plot&quot; was spoiled by the person who wrote the screenplay? <br/><br/>&gt;&gt;Warning: the following gives a detailed description of the nuances of the plot. Read at your own risk. In fact, watch the movie at your own risk.&lt;&lt;<br/><br/>Two-dimensional characters run over hill and dale in the English countryside, cursing and screaming and shooting. From where to where? From someone or something? Who knows? Then we have some hiding, with yet more cursing and screaming and arguing and shooting, and... whatever. It was a confused, hot mess from start to finish. I stuck with it only to see if it would *finally* pull together and make sense at the end, or have a twist like some M. Night Shyamalan wannabe movie. No such luck.<br/><br/>If you have guests that are overstaying their welcome, fire this up on Netflix. They will soon make excuses why they have to leave. Guaranteed.
With so little money and resources it is an insult to Britain&#39;s hard-pressed, underpaid workers in Britain&#39;s film industry that this pretentious garbage should be funded and produced. If there was a film that showed why Britain&#39;s film industry is always on its knees while Hollywood booms, it is this piece of pretentious garbage. Maybe as a short story, it had originally worked, but having all the plot of a bacon sandwich and the dialogue of laundry list, it is hard to see how any of the audience will be still in their seats after 5 minutes of this bunk. Who wants to see endless hypodermics in use, maggots crawling across a dummy of a man who has had his head shot off or a solider excreting the contents of his bowels in graphic detail on the big screen? With its flashes of nature and stop motion photography of plants flowering and dying in one day, total chaos is added to the confusion of this plotless dirge. Tasteless, incomprehesible, artsy bunkum.
All mood, atmosphere, and mystery with our own confusion about the action mirrored in those onscreen.

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