Tamil Movie Trigun Free Download

Tamil Movie Trigun Free Download


Tamil Movie Trigun Free Download


Vash the Stampede is the most infamous outlaw on the planet Gunsmoke and with a 60 billion double dollar price on his head the most sought after!
Trigun takes place in the distant future on a deserted planet. Vash the Stampede is a gunfighter with a legend so ruthless that he has a $$60,000,000,000 bounty on his head. Entire towns evacuate at the rumor of his arrival. However, the real Vash the Stampede is not the same man that rumor portrays him to be. The enigmatic and conflicted lead character in Trigun is actually more heroic in nature; as well as a complete and utter idiot at times.
I first thought trigun was going to be all the same as all the other animes... blood, nudity, etc. It wasn't and i'm going to have to say that it is about the only anime i enjoy. The last commenter said that it was childish...and like a lot of animes aren't??? Sure it has a lot of goofy things, but thats what makes it refreshing! It has to be one of the most original animes i have seen. Many of the different things that Vash does like using the guns movements to dodge bullets is quite interesting. Also the anime is very funny. The artists did a very good job showing the characters expressions. Sure the comedy is broad and goofy but it's fun! And if sophisticated comedy is more preferred then you might not enjoy this. But the level of action and comedy the lovable characters, make this a surprisingly clean and fun cartoon.
Trigun is a legendary anime TV series from the 90&#39;s. Set in a Sci-Fi wild west world (desert setting), which is very nicely drawn. The creators of the series really managed to transfer that futuristic wild west feel to the scenery . Music is also pretty good. Lot&#39;s of action and comedy moments. It has Good story; consists of 26 episodes. Instead of me writing more text about it, I recommend that you watch the first episode via the link below.<br/><br/>Picture is worth a thousand words, therefore you can watch the first episode of the series here: <br/><br/>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3OiO7duC6I


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