Tamil Movie PJ Free Download

Tamil Movie PJ Free Download


Tamil Movie P.J. Free Download


Private eye P.J. is reluctant when he gets a new job: he shall protect Maureen Preble, mistress of millionaire Orbeson, mainly from attacks by his wife and her greedy family. In truth Orbeson plans a deadly intrigue in which P.J. is to play a central part. Meanwhile P.J. falls in love with Maureen and Orbeson's money.
Why hell Universal Pictures does not release P.J. in DVD ? Does this film studio forgot this movie as one of the best thriller ever made in the 60' and 70' ? I saw "Syndicat du meurtre" (french title) only one time 35 years ago, on the 1st french TV channel, black and white broadcasting! So that my memories are black and white and that's perfect for this kind of movies (Can you imagine Asphalt Jungle in Technicolor?) As said in an other comment, P.J. is at the same level as Paul Newman's Harper, Sinatra's Tony Rome or Widmark's Madigan. This movie was really modern for the time, and I really miss it has been let beside as long as mediocre movies block video shop shelves. And never proposed on VOD either. That's too bad...
I haven&#39;t seen this movie since it came out, and I sure would like to see it again -- whole &amp; unedited, of course. It was a lot of fun and very 60&#39;s. Raymond Burr was great, Gayle Hunnicutt was very sexy, and George Peppard was at his most flippant. I still remember the scene where Orbison orders his long-suffering secretary to type all letters using a half inch margin in future, and do a study for him on the savings over using the prior margins. I have worked for guys who would have done that. I can even remember the calypso welcoming song the hopeful residents did for Orbison when he and his entourage arrived on the island. Bright, beautiful scenery, snappy dialog -- just a really entertaining movie.<br/><br/>What&#39;s up at Universal? They have treasures in the vault like this that are totally unavailable.


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