Tamil Movie Dubbed In Hindi Free Download The Tuxedo

Tamil Movie Dubbed In Hindi Free Download The Tuxedo


Tamil Movie Dubbed In Hindi Free Download The Tuxedo


Jimmy Tong is just a lowly chauffeur for millionaire Clark Devlin, until Devlin has an accident that puts him in the hospital. Tong is sent back to fetch some things for Devlin and unknowingly tries on Devlin's tuxedo and finds that it gives extraordinary powers to anyone that dons the suit. This discovery thrusts Tong into world of international intrigue and espionage and pairs him with an inexperienced partner.
A hapless chauffeur must take a comatose secret agent's place using his special gadget-laden tuxedo.
It's okay. I'm positive it's not as good as the rush hour movies (I haven't even seen them, but they look better than this), but it's entertaining. I thought the classic trying to take over the world idea was very original. The whole little 'Walter Strider' mini-mystery was interesting. All in all, it's a good movie, but it's not up to par with other Chan movies.
I recently saw an advanced screening of The Tuxedo and I liked it. Today I read some reviews which were less than favorable. Though this isn't Jackie Chan's funniest (Rush Hour) or most action-packed (just about any other) it's a pretty good movie. It was less him fighting and more the "suit" fighting, which means that there was a lot of CG involved and more special effects than most of his movies. Jennifer Love Hewitt did a good job and was funny at times but nothing compared to who he's teamed up with before (Owen Wilson and Chris Tucker). The Tuxedo is about a bottled water tycoon who wants to take over the world by releasing bugs, filled with a poison that dehydrate people, into the water supply (crazy premise isn't it). Jackie Chan becomes a chauffer to a James Bondish type named Devlin. After Devlin gets hurt Jackie Chan puts on his suit and can do amazing things. There are some plot holes like for instance why the bad guys attached a tracking device to the car so a bomb skateboard could follow it instead of just attaching a bomb to the car. Most of it's crude humor (his horny face?) but some is entertaining. You won't leave awed by the fight scenes or ready to call it the funniest movie of the year but you won't be disappointed.
The jokes are as fresh as rotten eggs and the direction stoops to the occasion.

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