TXT e-Business Intelligence: Turning Information into Knowledge into Profit by Bernard Liautaud no registration download finder prewiew full

TXT e-Business Intelligence: Turning Information into Knowledge into Profit by Bernard Liautaud no registration download finder prewiew full

TXT e-Business Intelligence: Turning Information into Knowledge into Profit by Bernard Liautaud no registration download finder

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Book description
Internationally celebrated ebusiness innovator, Bernard Liautaud, explains why the key to ebusiness success is knowing how to transform the vast reservoir of raw data found in every company into a corporate intelligence gold mine. This book focuses on the three main areas of ebusiness intelligence�intranets, extranets, and business-to-business ecommerce. He describes cutting-edge strategies for accessing, analyzing, and sharing corporate data both internally and externally with customers, partners, and suppliers. With the help of case studies from Lucent, Dow Chemical, Disney, Go Network, and other ebusiness giants, Liautaud explains the what, why, and how of ebusiness intelligence in the new information economy. Bernard Liautaud (Palo Alto, CA) is CEO of Business Objects, the worlds leading provider of ebusiness solutions, and, according to Intelligent Enterprise magazine, one of the 12 Most Influential Companies in the Information Technology Industry. In 1996, five years after founding Business Objects, Liataud was named one of BusinessWeeks Hottest Entrepreneurs of the Year.
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