TXT Women in the Middle Ages by Frances Gies review link english torrent book

TXT Women in the Middle Ages by Frances Gies review link english torrent book

TXT Women in the Middle Ages by Frances Gies review link english torrent book

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Book description
Women in the Middle Ages corrects the omissions of traditional history by focusing on the lives, expectations, and accomplishments of medieval women. The Gieses lively text, illuminated by the illustrations from medieval manuscripts, art, and architecture, depicts the Middle Ages as a vibrant time in which women were powerful agents of change.The first part of the book gives the historical and cultural background for the lives of the women discussed. The authors offer a succinct but penetrating review of the religious, scientific, and philosophical attitude that defined womens place in the medieval world.The seven women represent different classes, countries, and centuries: Hildegarde of Bingen, twelfth-century German nun and gifted mystic; Blanche of Castile, queen of France; Eleanor de Montfort, real-life inspiration for the thirteenth-century romantic tales; Agnes li Patiniere, a Flemish textile worker; Alice Beynt, an English peasant woman; Margherita Datini, wife of an Italian merchant; and Margaret Paston, partner of her husband and sons in the conflict of pre-Tudor England.
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