TXT Whos Next Door? by Mayuko Kishira pocket iphone book free get

TXT Whos Next Door? by Mayuko Kishira pocket iphone book free get

TXT Whos Next Door? by Mayuko Kishira pocket iphone book free get

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Book description
Chicken is thrilled when he finds out someone new has moved in next door. His quiet house deep in the woods can be lonely sometimes, and it would be so much fun to have a friend! But Chicken never catches so much as a glimpse of his neighbor, despite many days spent waiting, pacing, and knocking. As it turns out, his neighbor, Owl, has been doing the same thing, yearning to meet Chicken — only he’s been doing it at night. Its not until after the two exchange notes and mix up plans for a visit, each using his own definition of “tomorrow,” that they meet fortuitously and find a creative way to enjoy each other’s friendship despite their different schedules.A comical look at nocturnal and diurnal creatures, this simple story explores the concept of opposites in a smart, subtly funny way. Kids and adults alike will have fun anticipating the punch line, hinted at through the mix of traditional and comic panel-style artwork. Through its fun, heartfelt look at the anticipation that comes with new friendships, this book celebrates the fact that even those as different as night and day can form a special bond.
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