TXT Vodka Distilled: The Modern Mixologist on Vodka and Vodka Cocktails by Tony Abou-Ganim page english kindle book doc

TXT Vodka Distilled: The Modern Mixologist on Vodka and Vodka Cocktails by Tony Abou-Ganim page english kindle book doc

TXT Vodka Distilled: The Modern Mixologist on Vodka and Vodka Cocktails by Tony Abou-Ganim page english kindle book doc

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Book description
Over the course of the past two decades, Tony Abou-Ganim has earned his reputation as one of the leaders of the craft cocktail movement. Through his work with food and hospitality legends like Mario Batali, Steve Wynn, and Harry Denton, Abou-Ganim has earned his reputation as the Modern Mixologist, someone bringing the traditional art of mixology into the 21st century for the benefit of new generations.On the heels of the success of The Modern Mixologist: Contemporary Classic Cocktails, Tony Abou-Ganim has written Vodka Distilled as a companion piece focusing entirely on this clear spirit. It is a comprehensive look at the vodka marketplace, geared toward those working in the profession as well as the giant audience of vodka drinkers. This one-of-a-kind resource establishs a new standard in defining and understanding the worlds most consumed spirit.Vodka Distilled appeal to both enthusiasts and aficionados by explaining how traditional-style vodkas—those produced in Eastern Europe—differ in character from those made in the West, and how different raw materials and distillation and filtration methods contribute to these variations in character. By breaking down the characteristics of each highlighted vodka, Abou-Ganim helps readers better understand, appreciate, and enjoy this noble spirit.
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