TXT Vampires: A Very Peculiar History: With Added Bite by Fiona MacDonald without registering free english ebook ipad

TXT Vampires: A Very Peculiar History: With Added Bite by Fiona MacDonald without registering free english ebook ipad

TXT Vampires: A Very Peculiar History: With Added Bite by Fiona MacDonald without registering free english ebook ipad

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Book description
Dragged from the deepest, darkest depths of the Very Peculiar History vaults, this book collects tales of terror, morbid myths and frightening facts that will chill you witless. Introduced by everyones favourite bloodsucker, Count Dracula, Vampires: A Very Peculiar History features the origin of vampire-like creatures and a biological and mythological look at human blood (including the best places to bite if you were a vampire!) alongside tales of the real-life vampires that may have in...
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