TXT Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art by Scott McCloud book ios full version full pdf

TXT Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art by Scott McCloud book ios full version full pdf

TXT Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art by Scott McCloud book ios full version full pdf

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Great book, but Im too annoyed to give it four stars. Its amateurish, but I believe if youre aware of how great a book is while youre reading it, its not working at its best. You can go oh wow thats such a clever way to illustrate this idea, and the text is so effective, but its a bit like reading an instruction manual, and nothing personal or particularly poignant. I guess the idea is to understand the basic structure and potential of comic art, but must it be so academic and dry? The book doesnt limit itself to the conventional art theory, but rather ventures into fundamental epistemological and phenomenological debates. Its informative and eye opening, but not particularly relevant, like every single other art theory textbook. Except this one has pictures (or should I say, integrated with pictures?) Understanding Comics is a misleading title, perhaps How to and why you should appreciate comics would suit the purpose of the book better. Majority of people (in terms of an audience that is likely to pick up a comic-related theory book) has little trouble understanding the intention of the drawing and writing - we can feel the atmosphere, be moved by the characters and thrilled by the action. Appreciating the history, concept and techniques that help build it up are, however, often overlooked. Much like film and literature, comics require a lot of conceptual and aesthetic decision to make it effective and communicative, and McCloud tries hard to evaluate the general methods that are used to convey these expressions. It would work better if he utilise more specific works rather than general rules, and most of them only applicable to mainstream comics. The last chapter goes on about the importance of understanding, and how comics can serve as a great tool of communication. Frankly it is a bit arrogant to me. No matter what your medium - ink and paper, music, written words, motion picture, performance, construction, we as the audience give ourselves far less credit when apprehending these art forms. We are subjected to arbitrary education, test and criticism that are meant to guide our understanding of the creators concept and execution - how to read them, how to properly experience them, how to get the most of it like the artist wants us to. I feel as though McCloud is saying, Im the creator, and you are the reader. Through these lines and colour, Im telling you what is being expressed. Do you get it? DO YOU GET IT?. Fuck this I dont have understand everything in order to appreciate it, have you never read Pynchon or seen anything David Lynch?Comic art is merely another form of story telling, it is equally capable of being as representational or avant-garde as any other art form. Understanding comics is serious business - why is it serious? why not just go out and say respecting comics is serious business. McCloud also comments on how the merit of comics lies in its ability to convey individual voices through mass production - really now? If you want personal expression, why not read a few blogs, talk to strangers in the park, speakers corner, open mic, go to a concert, underground gig, restaurant, flickr, public toilet, open market, join whatever radical societies there are out there? It is almost ridiculous to have to remind people that comics are capable of being expressionistic, and please dont try to say your choice of material expresses something more profound, original than the others or with more efficiency. Why the fuck should it be efficient? Arent you arguing that comics can be art too? Then why should it be readable, straightforward and commercial like everything else? GAH Im angry!What McCloud is saying is that as an artist you have more control over the output. But at least for me, I dont care if you came up with the entire concept or worked in a team as long as the outcome is insightful and fun. And then he started talking about the human condition and how we can fix the world with reading more comics. YEAH. And then there are angels reading comics, statues of bullied comic readers, massive yin yang symbol! montage of great art works! The world map! Epic lightening! THE TRUTH WILL SHINE THROUGH! (real quote) That goes on for about 20 pages. Dear comic art - Dont overestimate yourself, not because youre insignificant. Yes you have a long history indeed, and we understand youre not just some flat tone sexist superhero adventure, and that you can be as postmodern as any other art school asshole graduate. Message received. *Picture above: single panel from Moebius 40 Days in the Desert I dont get it, but its awesome.
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