TXT Trolley Wars: The Battle of the Supermarkets by Judi Bevan iBooks portable prewiew online offline

TXT Trolley Wars: The Battle of the Supermarkets by Judi Bevan iBooks portable prewiew online offline

TXT Trolley Wars: The Battle of the Supermarkets by Judi Bevan iBooks portable prewiew online offline

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Book description
Recent times have seen ferocious battles for supremacy among the supermarket chains in Britain. US giant WalMart took over ASDA, and northern upstart Morrisons acquired Safeway. Meanwhile Tesco has gone from strength to strength while Sainsburys has slid further and further down the greasy pole. Trolley Wars tells not only the gripping business story behind these changes but also the social changes that have accompanied and underpinned it. It reveals the truth behind supermarkets relationships with their suppliers and customers, and the ruthless world behind the checkout.
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