TXT Trademarks, Unfair Competition, and Business Torts by Barton Beebe shop read access flibusta information

TXT Trademarks, Unfair Competition, and Business Torts by Barton Beebe shop read access flibusta information

TXT Trademarks, Unfair Competition, and Business Torts by Barton Beebe shop read access flibusta information

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Book description
Incorporating seminal and cutting-edge cases and materials, this stellar author team delivers broad coverage of trademarks, unfair competition, and business torts that includes detailed attention to the role of technology, along with practice problems that encourage students to think like practitioners.Ideal for courses on Trademark Law, Unfair Competition, or Business Torts, this casebook featuresa broad examination of current trademark and unfair competition lawoutstanding coverage of false advertising lawextensive treatment of the hot news doctrine (misappropriation), including the most recent casesa thoughtful survey of business torts, including cases that address tortious interference, trade libel, and related torts such as RICOdynamic pedagogy that spans cutting-edge cases and materials, notes, questions, and hands-on practice problems
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