TXT Touch Me by T.H. Snyder (Goodreads Author) free full pc phone book

TXT Touch Me by T.H. Snyder (Goodreads Author) free full pc phone book

TXT Touch Me by T.H. Snyder (Goodreads Author) free full pc phone book

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Book description
Char is a focused and driven career woman whos had a relationship she would rather choose to forget, but cant. Riley is a pure gentleman who can easily leave the past where it belongs, behind him.Some people believe in fate where others deem it a coincidence. Char and Riley are meant to be together, so life just happens to make sure they are in the right place at the right time. But is that enough? You’ll be falling in love with this dynamic duo as they find out who they are and why fate keeps making sure their lives are intertwined. Their differences are what make them all too similar, and throughout the course of their journey there is one thing that always brings them back together...the need for each others touch.
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