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TXT Then Came You by Jillian Hart (Goodreads Author) torrent finder value tablet free

TXT Then Came You by Jillian Hart (Goodreads Author) torrent finder value tablet free

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Book description
When Gil Blackburn finds beautiful Maebry ORiley in need of assistance, its his duty to come to her aid--even if hes only pretending to be her beau and rescuing her from the unwanted advances of Lawrence Latimer. Gils been sweet on Maebry ever since he stepped foot on the Rocking M Ranch, and his feelings are only getting stronger. When he looks at her, he sees forever. He doesnt want to pretend to be her beau. He wants the real thing. Maebry ORiley wishes she wasnt carrying a torch for handsome Gil. Theres something about him that makes her heart beat a lot faster. His good humor and manly, easy-going nature could capture her heart if she let it. He makes her long for a real future as his wife, but he is a dream that can never be hers. She isnt free to love anyone, even a good man like Gil. This is a sweet historical. Approximately 40,000 words.
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