TXT The Womanist Reader by Layli Phillips Maparyan (Editor) ios online portable pc bookstore

TXT The Womanist Reader by Layli Phillips Maparyan (Editor) ios online portable pc bookstore

TXT The Womanist Reader by Layli Phillips Maparyan (Editor) ios online portable pc bookstore

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Book description
Comprehensive in its coverage, The Womanist Reader is the first volume to anthologize the major works of womanist scholarship. Charting the course of womanist theory from its genesis as Alice Walker s African-American feminism, through Chikwenye Okonjo Ogunyemi s African womanism and Clenora Hudson-Weems Africana womanism, to its present-day expression as a global, anti-oppressionist perspective rooted in the praxis of everyday women of color, this interdisciplinary reader traces the rich and diverse history of a quarter century of womanist thought. Featuring selections from over a dozen disciplines by top womanist scholars from around the world, plus several critiques of womanism, an extensive bibliography of womanist sources, and the first ever systematic treatment of womanist thought on its own terms, Layli Phillips has assembled a unique and groundbreaking compilation.
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