TXT The Wolf Mans Legacy by Lani Aames (Goodreads Author) full reading ios online apple

TXT The Wolf Mans Legacy by Lani Aames (Goodreads Author) full reading ios online apple

TXT The Wolf Mans Legacy by Lani Aames (Goodreads Author) full reading ios online apple

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Book description
A special book turns up on the doorstep of bookstore clerk, Sue Talbot. With the book come dreams that Sue cant explain, but reach deep into her heart and soul. Dylan Hunter is a werewolf on the trail of a certain book. When he realizes who has possession of it, Dylan knows he cant use force to get it back. Invading Sues dreams is the surest way of revealing her legacy.Paranormal erotic romance short story, approx. 4,500 words or 15 pages.
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